The Rise Of Conversational Narcissism

<p>Wow. Lot to unpack here. By the way, the article I linked out is from TED and it&rsquo;s about why you&nbsp;<em>shouldn&rsquo;t&nbsp;</em>say &ldquo;I know exactly how you feel.&rdquo; Read it. It&rsquo;s interesting.</p> <h1>Conversational narcissism and the wrong 80&ndash;20</h1> <p>The &ldquo;right&rdquo; 80&ndash;20 is&nbsp;<em>listen&nbsp;</em>80 percent of a conversation, talk about your own stuff 20 percent.</p> <p>The wrong 80&ndash;20 would flip that &mdash; and in the process be the definition of conversational narcissism.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>