Tag: Myths

Why Human Societies Need to Believe in Myths in Order to Exist

I recently went on a trip to Mongolia. I used their currency the tugrik to buy daily things like Americanos; if brewed coffee exists there I never found it! I also used American dollars for bigger purchases like my guided tour since people tend to trust it more than the local money. I m...

Myths and Facts About Relationships

Myth: There’s one person for everyone. You call them your soulmate. Fact: There are billions for everyone. You call them your soulmates. Myth: You need to be 100% sure about the person you’re marrying. Fact: How arrogant! Are you 100% sure about anything...

Five Dangerous Myths About Authoritarianism You Probably Believe (But Shouldn’t)

There’s a kind of battle taking place in the world today. One so omnipresent, it’s invisible. That battle is between authoritarianism and democracy. America, Britain, India, China, Russia, Turkey— I don’t need to recite the endless list of nations who’ve toppled like do...

Challenging Myths — Part 5: Do we really need all these meetings?

or many, “meetings” have gained a negative reputation. They’re often seen as a huge source of waste of time, a distraction from getting real work done. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this. First of all, the meeting experience you face in your particul...

Myths about VR

The recent buzz around Virtual Reality (VR) due to Apple’s Vision Pro announcement has sparked numerous debates about its future and whether it isolates users from the real world. As someone who has been a VR user for several years, I feel compelled to share my insights and experienc...

Elephants in African Myths

A myth from the Kamba tribe in Kenya¹ offers an origin story for elephants that explains their intelligence: elephants were once human. In the tale, a poor man, hearing of the wealthy, generous Ivonya-Ngia (“He that feeds the Poor”), set out to discover the secret to being rich. Aft...

Jesus and Osiris: How Christianity Adapted Egyptian Myths

Imagine that Christianity lasts for another thousand years and that after the flourishing of the story of Jesus’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension for those three millennia, another religion replaces Christianity but only by adapting the key themes and presuppositions of that former re...

6 G-Spot Myths Women Wish Men Would Stop Believing

No other part of the female anatomy has been discovered, denounced, rediscovered, renamed, and frustrated researchers more than the elusive G-spot. It's been called Gräfenberg's Holy Grail of female pleasure, a magical sex "button," and the secret orgasmic key to unlocking ecs...

Pacific Islanders are hard to count… and other census myths

There have been three censuses in my lifetime, and I’ve never been counted. Not in 1990, when I was just two years old and among the nearly two million children who went uncounted that year. Not in 2000, as the daughter of then undocumented immigrants in a mixed-status family. And not in ...

Three Common Myths About Deer Antlers

Deer are ubiquitous throughout most of North America. Growing up in the Midwest, I remember sometimes waking up on a bright winter morning and looking out the windows into our forested back yard. I’d see deer tracks, and sometimes even get a glimpse of a young buck looking back at us. He&rsquo...

Debunking Myths about IQ Tests and Intelligence

Myth 1: IQ as a Fixed Number Contrary to the belief that IQ is a fixed number determining lifelong intelligence, research shows that IQ can change. Intelligence is malleable, influenced by educational interventions, learning experiences, and lifestyle choices. Studies tracking children into adult...

Common Medical Myths That Many People Continue to Believe Despite Proof to the Contrary

An old wives’ tale refers to “spurious or superstitious claims.” It is not that the “old wives” intentionally lied about something. Rather, they believed that certain things, like running outside in the cold, caused you to get a cold. The “old wives&rdqu...

10 quantum myths that need to be busted

For centuries, the laws of physics seemed completely deterministic. If you knew where every particle was, how fast it was moving, and what the forces were between them at any one instant, you could know exactly where they’d be and what they’d be doing at any point in the future. From New...

Dispelling myths about decriminalization

Your City Council has taken steps to address the opioid epidemic at a municipal level, but we cannot solve the problem alone. I have advocated to the provincial and federal government to fund many proven treatments and harm-reduction measures like safe consumption sites, safe supply, mental hea...

Don’t Fall for These Fashion Industry Myths Anymore!

Explore the real world of fashion beyond myths. Discover why style isn’t about price or age. Embrace self-expression and confidence. FASHION IS FOR THE RICH The general belief that, the more expensive your clothes are, the more fashionable and stylish you look, is completely untrue. The ...

Makeup Myths Debunked: Unveiling the Truth Behind Beauty Buzzwords

The world of makeup is brimming with tips, tricks, and hacks, but not all of them are created equal. Some popular beliefs turn out to be complete myths, potentially hindering your makeup journey and even harming your skin. So, let’s grab our makeup removers and wipe away the misinformation! ...