Five Dangerous Myths About Authoritarianism You Probably Believe (But Shouldn’t)

<p>There&rsquo;s a kind of battle taking place in the world today. One so omnipresent, it&rsquo;s invisible. That battle is between authoritarianism and democracy. America, Britain, India, China, Russia, Turkey&mdash; I don&rsquo;t need to recite the endless list of nations who&rsquo;ve toppled like dominoes.</p> <p>The battle, sadly, is being lost by the forces of democracy.&nbsp;<a href=";client=safari&amp;rls=en&amp;ei=bRv2WrG1DaLPgAbM1Z7oBw&amp;q=democracy+in+decline&amp;oq=democracy+in+decline&amp;gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.9940.10552.0.10622." rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Democracy is in hasty, battered global retreat</a>. Authoritarianism is winning &mdash; and it is winning easily, handily, and swiftly. And that tells us something vital, if unfortunate. Democratic forces today do not really understand how to fight, much less defeat, authoritarian movements, values, agendas, and impulses anymore. Perhaps they forgot &mdash; or perhaps, as in America, they forgot to learn how at all.</p> <p>So here are five dangerous myths I hear every day about authoritarianism &mdash; next to five harsh realities.</p> <h2><strong>Myth: &ldquo;Don&rsquo;t worry!! No biggie!! We&rsquo;ll just vote them away!&rdquo;</strong></h2> <p>I hear this one every day. Don&rsquo;t you? By superstar pundits, intellectuals, academics, journalists, columnists. Unfortunately, it betrays an almost complete lack of historical context or knowledge, much less any kind of understanding of how societies really work.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>