Tag: Mystery

The Mystery Of Life

There’s a mind beyond the brain which we sometimes call our “consciousness” or our “spirit.” From the perspective of the hard sciences it doesn’t exist. But there are some clues that it does exist. What we know of it is much more a matter of personal experience th...

The Mystery of ‘Other’ Storage on Your iPhone: What Is It and How to Clear It?

The iPhone is pretty amazing, but it has its quirks. One that I’ve often bumped into is that mysterious ‘Other’ storage. You’ve probably seen it too. You clean up your photos and apps, but somehow, you still get that annoying “Storage Almost Full” alert. So,...

The Mystery Of Life

There’s a mind beyond the brain which we sometimes call our “consciousness” or our “spirit.” From the perspective of the hard sciences it doesn’t exist. But there are some clues that it does exist. What we know of it is much more a matter of personal experience th...

Unlocking the Mystery of Inactivity: A Deep Dive into the Science of Laziness

We’ve all felt lazy at some point or another, you know that feeling of “I just don’t want to do anything today! I just want to stay in bed and sleep.” Well, I can only speak for myself. But the truth is, we’re not all lazy. There may a really good explanation for that o...

The Murder Cake Mystery

Now that I am no longer at Epic Games, I can finally go back to writing my opinions about things other than camera gear. I have a backlog of topics I would love to talk about, from free-to-play monetization to data interpretation to the infamous metaverse race. But first, I’d love to s...

Welcome to New York: The Manhattan Mystery

Detective Sam Turner had always been drawn to the vibrant energy of New York City. He was a seasoned investigator, having solved numerous cases in various parts of the country, but there was something about the city that never slept that intrigued him. So when he received a call from his old friend,...

How to Solve the Diversity and Inclusion Mystery

Diversity and inclusion have become more than just trends today. They represent a fundamental base of businesses, fostering an environment where employees are valued and respected. A diverse and inclusive workplace is one where employees can be authentic, contributing their unique perspectives and e...

Cracking One of Florida’s Oldest Cold Cases: The Mystery of James Norris

In the world of true crime, some cases remain shrouded in mystery for decades, defying the efforts of investigators to solve them. Today, we delve into one such case that spans almost half a century and has ties to both California and Florida. It’s a story of intrigue, disappearance, and ...

Interstellar Traveler Oumuamua Mystery Solved

2017 interstellar asteroid Oumuamua, which means “a messenger from afar arriving first”, made big headlines because its trajectory “violated gravitational laws”. Oumuamua on its way out of Solar system had a higher-than-expected velocity, and its trajectory shifted outside of...

Unraveling the Cosmic Mystery: Exploring the Enigma of the Universe

A significant portion of the cosmos is composed of mysterious entities known as dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter, which does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, comprises around 27% of the universe. Its gravitational effects are observed in the rotation of galaxies and the large-scale struct...

The Mystery of Helium: Why It Never Freezes Even at the Coldest Temperature Possible.

Helium is a fascinating element with many unique properties and applications. Bing-Copilot Generated Images Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen, and makes up about 24% of the mass of the universe. However, on Earth, helium is very rare and only a...

Exploring the DNA Mystery of Blue Whales: Genetic Secrets of the Ocean’s Giants

The DNA of blue whales provides a window into their evolutionary past, highlighting the genetic connections between these marine mammals and their terrestrial ancestors. Genetic analyses have revealed that blue whales evolved from a group of land mammals about 50 million years ago. Their transformat...

Mystery Booms, Part 3

A common geological source of mystery booms is shallow earthquakes. These are more common than people think, even more than many geologists recognize. Multiple booms over several days, weeks, or years that can’t be pinpointed to any known source may be indicative of shallow earthquakes. I&rsqu...

The “First Mystery Law”

THE METAPHYSICS OF PERSONAL GROWTH The word is the main teaching tool of the artist, even if we are not aware that we are the artists. With the word, we give meaning to what we perceive, creating a reality that only exists in our mind. When we understand how important the word is because it is th...

Ancient Mystery Roman Dodecahedron & Mystery Resolved.

Archeologists are infrequently puzzled about sorting out the reason for the Roman ancient rarities they uncover. In any case, the Roman dodecahedron has everybody puzzled. More than 100 of these empty, bumpy, metallic polyhedrons with 12 sides have surfaced at exhuming locales generally...

The Nightly Mystery of Dickens: In Search of Lost Sleep

Charles Dickens, the acclaimed Victorian writer known for his timeless works such as “Oliver Twist” and “A Christmas Carol,” was not only a master of prose but also a man afflicted by a mysterious nocturnal torment: insomnia. Countless stories surround his struggle with sleep...

The Nightly Mystery of Dickens: In Search of Lost Sleep

Charles Dickens, the acclaimed Victorian writer known for his timeless works such as “Oliver Twist” and “A Christmas Carol,” was not only a master of prose but also a man afflicted by a mysterious nocturnal torment: insomnia. Countless stories surround his struggle with sleep...

‘Murder’ Mystery of the Romanovs: ‘Like Kings and Queens, like Princes and Princesses’ — Part One

In October last year, I received an email from a certain ‘Georg’, a Russian man, who approached me in regards to my partial Family Tree on Geni.com which displays some connections to Russian aristocratic families. Not wasting any time on pleasantries, ‘Georg’, in an assert...

The Mystery of Trends (Fall/Winter edition)

Asyou may know, the New York, London, Milan, and Paris Fashion weeks are some of the biggest, where people all over the world come to those places during February and October to see the fall and spring collections. February is reserved for fall/winter for next year, and October is for spring/summer,...

The Mystery of Stockings

Before I was 10, I would almost always wear tights, if I bothered to do so at all. And so, my very first time wearing stockings was a confusing one indeed. I believe that I made a hole in them. Unfortunately, tearing stockings was a common problem for women throughout history. However, modern fas...

The Mystery of Your Lips

What’s better than having a beautiful set of lips? Finding the perfect color to adorn them. The concept of lipstick is ancient. The Egyptians used rouge made from carmine (a type of insect), crushed and applied like powder. Other civilizations used it even earlier. The cradle of all civiliz...