Tag: Muslims

Fuji: The infectious devotional music of Nigeria’s Yoruba Muslims

A pop-up exhibition, Fuji: A Opera is making its international debut at London’s Africa Centre to introduce this unique musical genre to new and old audiences. It will include never before seen archive footage artefacts and installations and highlight the origins of fuji music, and i...

26 Differences Between Muhammad and Jesus

Muslims claim Islam “is the completed final version of the previous messages originally revealed to Moses and Jesus” which came to “correct the deviations of Christianity”, which had apparently become corrupt by the seventh century when Muhammad came along. But for so...

A Muslim's Journey of Reading the Bible for the First Time

Ina world full of diverse cultures, religions, and ideologies, it's essential to understand and appreciate our differences. For many, encountering a sacred text outside one's religious tradition can be a profoundly enriching experience, opening doors to new perspectives and fostering interfa...

10 Habits of Successful Muslims / Become The Best Muslim You Can Be

There are so many simple ways you can build your own legacy of Islam that others can benefit from and you can gain rewards from. Whether that is donating charity to build a well that hundreds of people can use, or whether it is writing a blog like this one, you can record ways that you have gained g...

9 Reasons why Muslims leave Islam. An ex-Muslim’s perspective

In fact, almost half of all the material cited here originates from current or former members of ‘Yaqeen Institute’ and ‘Sapience Institute’. Whose primary purpose is to answer doubts about Islam and within it. The word ‘Yaqeen’ translates to ‘certainty&rsqu...

The 5 Daily Routines of Successful Muslims

There’s no doubt that every person who seeks higher or wants to succeed in this life must have some daily rituals that support him to get what he wants in this life and the hereafter. Our actions define our destiny and how far we get to what we want, and if we have a basic functioning daily...

Have Indian Muslims Grown Too Intolerant?

Concern over the growing intolerance in some segments of the Indian Muslim community has grown in the past several years. It is imperative to handle this matter delicately. On the other hand, right-wing viewpoints draw attention to certain incidents that have sparked concerns about the possible traj...

How do French Muslims experience discrimination in employment and housing?

Muslims in France experience discrimination in employment and housing, hindering their ability to participate fully in society. Efforts towards integration have not been successful. French society must recognize this issue and promote diversity and equality for all. Employment Discrimination F...

No Such Thing as ‘Muslims’

Islam is a widely practiced world religion that extends beyond national borders and is not exclusive to countries with Muslim-majority populations. With a presence in over 50 countries, Islam encompasses diverse cultures and traditions. This cultural diversity has greatly influenced Islamic practice...

There are no Muslims in the World

In the Indian subcontinent, Muslims are also divided along caste lines. The upper castes, such as Syeds, Sheikhs, Mughals, and Pathans, refer to themselves as ‘ashrafs’ and often consider themselves superior to other Muslims. Below them are the intermediate castes, likened to OBCs among ...

The list of crimes committed by Muslims against Jews since the 7th century

▪ 622–627: ethnic cleansing of Jews from Mecca and Medina, (Jewish boys were publicly inspected for pubic hair and executed if they had any) ▪ 624: after the victory of Badr, beginning of the elimination of the Jews ▪ 625: expulsion of the Jewish clan of Al Nadir ▪ 626: massac...

White Muslims, We Need to Talk

Those 32 soldiers had spent their entire lives in service to another cause. They walked out of their homes and they marched to Karbala with thousands of men just like them. They armed themselves to fight in what they were told was a righteous cause. With other soldiers they held the line holding bac...

Why Western Muslims Stop Learning Arabic

I am a professional ‘false beginner’. A decade of course-hopping to be exact. The Collins dictionary describes a false beginner as “a language student who has some knowledge of a language, but who needs to start again from the beginning”. ...