A Muslim's Journey of Reading the Bible for the First Time

<p>Ina world full of diverse cultures, religions, and ideologies, it&#39;s essential to understand and appreciate our differences. For many, encountering a sacred text outside one&#39;s religious tradition can be a profoundly enriching experience, opening doors to new perspectives and fostering interfaith understanding. Join me on a personal journey as a Muslim man in the United States as I share the deeply transformative moment when I held the Bible and read it for the first time.</p> <p>Iwas almost done with my junior year in high school when one of the saddest incidents occurred in my neighborhood. On a dark, snowy night, my neighbor&#39;s house caught on fire, and unfortunately, they suffered a significant loss. As a result of the fire, my apartment also suffered some consequential damages, which led to the Red Cross making arrangements for me to live in a hotel for several days while I looked for a new place to stay. That moment was one of the most challenging phases, but also brought me a unique experience.</p> <p><a href="https://yusufali2k.medium.com/a-muslims-journey-of-reading-the-bible-for-the-first-time-476ceab69c8d"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>