Tag: Muslim

Muslim Study Abroad: From Tropical to Four-Seasons Muslim Minority Country

While I don’t consider myself a perfectly practising Muslim, I do strive to uphold certain pillars of faith, such as the five daily prayers. Growing up in a Muslim-majority country, I got used to having prayer spaces practically on every building floor — talk about convenience. Howeve...

Alhamdu | Muslim Futurism

The Alhamdu | Muslim Futurism exhibition was an evolving experiential art exhibition created by the MIPSTERZ collective, exploring “Muslim Futurism” and imagining a broader Muslim future free from the oppression of today. Aiming to create space for Muslims to authentically and unapolo...

The 50 Most Affordable Cities in the United States for Muslim Families

When I was a kid in Houston in the 1990’s Houston already had over 20 mosques. The halal food scene focused on South Asian cuisine and Middle Eastern cuisine within the famous Hillcroft district. But asides from that, Muslim culture in Houston was still quiet. Fast forward 20 years later, Hous...

Alhamdu | Muslim Futurism

The Alhamdu | Muslim Futurism exhibition was an evolving experiential art exhibition created by the MIPSTERZ collective, exploring “Muslim Futurism” and imagining a broader Muslim future free from the oppression of today. Aiming to create space for Muslims to authentically and unapolo...

Eid-ul-Adha: The Muslim Festival of Sacrifice

This is equally the season when Muslims perform Hajj which is a pilgrimage to the holy land in Mecca. It’s also one of the five pillars of Islam enjoined upon the believers. At times, people describe Hajj as religious tourism but in reality, it isn’t. I shared my e...

Muslim Country Wishes Its Christian Minority A Merry Christmas: Malaysia’s Journey From Shocking Racial Conflict To Astonishing Multicultural Tolerance

It is a common misconception among Westerners, many of whom consider themselves Christians, that Muslims are intolerant because of their religion. This is not surprising when you consider how little the uninformed in the West — from ordinary folk to prime ministers — know about Islam. Th...

Sahih Muslim: The Prophet’s Words, Your Light in This Modern World

Sahih Muslim! It stands as a towering pillar in the landscape of Islamic literature, a beacon of hadith scholarship revered by Muslims worldwide. But delving into its depths deserves more than just dry facts and passive descriptions. Let’s embark on a journey, weaving together the threads of i...

The ‘Muslim Priest’: An Introduction (Part 4)

In November of 2021, I packed up my Ford Escape, said farewell to Milwaukee, my adopted home, and made my way down to Texas. It was there that I spent some time visiting family as I worked on our project which sought to form a traditional monastic community. My move to Texas was full of optimism and...

What is Muslim Zionism?

In attempting to describe the current phenomenon of Muslims who are dashing headfirst toward normalization efforts with Israel, the term Muslim Zionism is appropriate for it and must be introduced. I was hesitant and thought about using Islamic Zionism but opted for Muslim Zionism instead, so as not...

What initiatives has Germany taken to support Muslim youth?

Germany has been actively implementing various measures to provide support and assistance to the Muslim youth population residing within its borders, with the aim of facilitating their seamless integration into German society. These initiatives have been put in place to ensure that the youth belongi...

A Muslim Perspective: Why Feel Bad & Depressed After Committing Sin

Why because of The fact that We stated that we committed some very serious sins in the past. we can hear our regret, our remorse, fear as well as our deep sadness in this question is a sign that Allah Almighty wants good for us. It is obvious that we are very sorry and do want to repent. We know ...

Muslim Feminist? Bite Your Tongue.

The western concept of feminism has emerged as a way to fight for the rights of women, to advocate for equality in the face of opportunities. It ranged in fights from legal inequalities thats spinner into a renegotiation of gender norms, and the role of women in the society to what a struggle to pro...

The 'Muslim Priest’: An Introduction (Part 1)

All of life is a pilgrimage. All of life is a seeking of that primordial One-ness. Of God. A yearning towards the One who is our Beginning. Our End. Our All and Everything. And as Blessed Augustine has said in his Confessions, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, O Lord.&rdqu...

“Secrets Of Successful Muslim Couples: Marriage Tips For A Lifetime”

This breakdown provides a comprehensive overview of the key components covered in the summary of “Secrets Of Successful Muslim Couples: Marriage Tips For A Lifetime.” Main Theme The central theme of “Secrets Of Successful Muslim Couples” by Naielah Ackbarali revolve...

The Qur’an and Self

Growing up as a Muslim can be quite the challenge. We try to get answers to many questions: What is harram (legally forbidden)? What is halal (legally obligated or permissible)? Who should I support? Black Lives Matter? LGBTQ+? Where do I stand in the “Science versus Religion” ...


I, a Muslim American myself, also have a dream. Based on my personal and professional experiences of living in the United States, I have come across many people who hold the belief that Islam is an intolerant religion and believe in various negative stereotypes about people who look like me. Accordi...

The Muslim Incel Issue

This has been playing on my mind a lot recently. Ever since the. Andrew Tate (just saying his name makes me shudder) conversion, I have been questioning what it was that made him think that Islam was somewhere with that mindset that he would be welcomed with open arms and nothing would have to ch...

My Son Lives in London’s Muslim Enclave, a “No-Go Area”

When my son got a job in London last year, I encouraged him to move into the borough because of the proximity to his place of work and the bus network. And because I knew it would be a great place to live. It’s been 25 years since I worked in the borough, and I had a network of friends who ...