The Muslim Incel Issue

<p>This has been playing on my mind a lot recently.</p> <p>Ever since the. Andrew Tate (just saying his name makes me shudder) conversion, I have been questioning what it was that made him think that Islam was somewhere with that mindset that he would be welcomed with open arms and nothing would have to change. What attracted him to my faith?</p> <p>I thought back to one of his earlier videos, where he was commenting on the Red table talk on the infidelity of Jada Pinkett-Smith on Will Smith. He said watching that clip made him want to move to a Muslim country and convert to Islam. Now when we hear people&rsquo;s stories of why they decided to convert they are stories of peace and belonging and joy. Andrew Tate&rsquo;s reasons here were because if the Jada and Will&rsquo;s entanglement had have happened in a Muslim country, he believes she would have been stoned to death and THAT is what he thought was appealing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Muslim Incel