Tag: Musk

Why is Elon Musk Wrecking Twitter?

Itis difficult to imagine how Elon Musk will ever make a dime from his acquisition of Twitter. It’s only a few months into his investment in the platform, but he’s already beating the bushes for help paying the $13 billion in debt he incurred buying Twitter. For reasons know...

The Octagon of Bad Ideas: Musk v Zuck

This piece first appeared on my newsletter, Future Proof. You can subscribe for free — and if you enjoy it, maybe you can take out a paid sub. Paid subscribers are, famously, more successful and attractive. IfMark Zuckerberg wants to beat the shit out of me, he’s w...

X Marks The Spot Where Musk Buried Twitter’s Brand

How much does it cost to ruin a brand? Apparently $44 billion, if Elon Musk is any indication. This week, Musk finally completed his planned rebranding of Twitter. The move started back in April, when Twitter, Inc. was changed to X Corp. This week, the familiar Twitter bird logo was rep...

Musk Overruled Tesla Engineers, And Now They Are In Serious Trouble

Over the years, we have witnessed Tesla’s incredible rise to power, and they now stand as a juggernaut of the EV world. But one of Tesla’s most important promises has yet to be fulfilled: true self-driving cars. In fact, according to Musk, we should already have millions of Tesla robotax...

The Octagon of Bad Ideas: Musk v Zuck

This piece first appeared on my newsletter, Future Proof. You can subscribe for free — and if you enjoy it, maybe you can take out a paid sub. Paid subscribers are, famously, more successful and attractive. IfMark Zuckerberg wants to beat the shit out of me, he’s w...

Stop Treating Elon Musk Like Trump

Putting aside the fact that I cannot think of a least fun person to watch a World Cup Final with than Jared Kushner, Musk’s subsequent Tweets were as normal and straightforward and dull as you’d expect anyone’s to be from a World Cup Final: There is something depressing about the w...

Elon Musk is a Threat to Ukraine and U.S. National Security

The United States of America, with the most powerful military the world has ever seen, must rely on the charity of an unpredictable billionaire for battlefield communications. The last time I wrote an article that was critical of Elon Musk, nearly half of my audience came to his defense. This ill...

Elon Musk, Holding His Son At The Meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan

At the so-called “Turkish House” in New York on Sunday, Elon Musk walked with his baby in his arms to meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan offered the young man a ball, and inevitably asked the tech investor, “Where could your significant other be?” Elon...

A (Norwegian) Parable of the Musk Ox

I think musk oxen are amazing creatures. For starters, they are not actually oxen. They are not related to cattle. They are genetically related to sheep and goats. But supersized. Musk Oxen are also survivors from the Pleistocene — the Ice Age. The rest of the megafauna from that time are exti...