Tag: Monday

It Feels Like a Marigold Monday

Good morning, spiritual community, and welcome to the last Monday of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere! With Autumn right around the corner, some people might feel a bit down, thinking about the approaching cooler temperatures and loss of daily sunlight; however, many magical things happen in the...

Polanco on Monday Morning

Stepping out into the sunny puddle of Polanco on a Monday morning means being met with a bite of cold no more or less comforting than one you’d get on a late morning in London in mid December. But unlike London, where the air gnaws away at your bones throughout the darkening day and crashes ri...

Orly le dimanche, New York on Monday

I was on my feet all day. I strolled through Jardin de Luxembourg, took a final look at Pei’s pyramid, enjoyed a thoroughly decadent 1664 at a sidewalk brasserie — one does not, after all, drink IPA in France — then caught the OrlyBus. Start spreadin’ the news ...

Blue Monday

Depression can be brutal. I guess I have been feeling the signs that this negative cycle was coming. I just wish the good moods lasted longer. It is so cruel how the brain does this. Suddenly switches from euphoria to dysphoria. I just want to give up today. Throw the towel in and not exist anymo...

Blue Monday

Depression can be brutal. I guess I have been feeling the signs that this negative cycle was coming. I just wish the good moods lasted longer. It is so cruel how the brain does this. Suddenly switches from euphoria to dysphoria. I just want to give up today. Throw the towel in and not exist anymo...

Monday Movers & Shakers: Dr. Roshawnna Novellus’s EnrichHER — Pioneering Inclusive Fintech

This week, we’re excited to feature a financial visionary, Dr. Roshawnna Novellus, the driving force behind EnrichHER. She’s leading a fintech revolution with a mission to empower and fund underrepresented entrepreneurs.  . Dr. Novellus founded EnrichHER with a groundbreaking goal...

It’s Another Monday and Our Governor Just Won’t Shut Up About Trans Kids

For years and years, when I awoke in the morning, Morning Joe went on my small bedroom TV. I kept abreast of the nation’s news while I dressed for the day. NPR’s Morning Edition threw in international news and market watch in the car on the way to take the kids to school and myself to...

It’s No Makeup Monday, How to look put together without any face makeup. And more…

Don’t get me wrong I love a good beat. Putting on makeup is the ultimate girl therapy. But… There are some days where I don’t feel like putting on makeup, maybe I’m feeling tired, or maybe I’m having a good skin day. Who knows, what ever that case is there is always th...