Orly le dimanche, New York on Monday

<p>I was on my feet all day. I strolled through Jardin de Luxembourg, took a final look at Pei&rsquo;s pyramid, enjoyed a thoroughly decadent&nbsp;<em>1664</em>&nbsp;at a sidewalk brasserie &mdash; one does not, after all, drink IPA in France &mdash; then caught the OrlyBus.</p> <blockquote> <p>Start spreadin&rsquo; the news<br /> I&rsquo;m leavin&rsquo; today</p> </blockquote> <p>All very smooth and convenient, except that OrlyBus is the one ticket in Paris you can&rsquo;t buy online, all vending machines but one are out of order, there is a long queue of irritable tourists, the one remaining machine accepts only coins and Visa, and I hadn&rsquo;t memorized that particular PIN. Irritable tourists became more irritable while I hunted for the number.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@marko.cibej/orly-le-dimanche-new-york-on-monday-10efb66e185b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: York Monday