Tag: Mom

Ruby Franke: The Monster Mom of Youtube Finally Exposed

Ruby Franke, the popular “momfluencer” and co-creator of digital series 8 Passengers, appeared in court recently to defend herself against 6 felony charges of child abuse. It was another in a long line of shocking appeareances that left audiences scratching their head...

A Final Drive with My Mom

“Moshu-sama, please take the passenger seat and hold this photo.” The young man in a black suit gestured to me, holding a large umbrella over my head. It was Friday afternoon. The heavy rain had subsided but it continued to drizzle. That day, I was the moshu, chief mourner of my ...

My Taiwanese Mom is Crazy Because Love Sucks: Part 5 — Labor of Love

My mom and I had arrived home by now. I leaned against the walls of our spacious elevator, with one arm behind my back gripping the silver elevator handrail and the other holding a takeout bag full of juicy duck, trying to fathom my mom’s situation. Damn, she had more drama in her life than fi...

The Autism Mom: Why Is She Like That?

The Autism Mom is an infamous villain in the autistic community. We love to make fun of her, to write angry think pieces about her, to fight her on Twitter. We are outraged that she wants to cure or fix her children, that she supports Autism Speaks, that she blames autism on vaccines and tells us...

Dad Isn’t Clueless, and Mom Doesn’t Need Help

I’m not the first mother who has, at one point or another, said, “I need help.” Well, I haven’t always just “said” this. I’m more likely to have grumbled, wailed, or screeched it. The generally apathetic response, both from individuals and society at larg...

Men Are More Important Than Women

My mom taught me that men were more important than women. No one was to eat until Dad ate. This was not a rule set forth by my father. It was told to us before he got home and we weren't to tell him that we had to wait until his plate was made before we could have dinner. There were six of...

Christmas with Mom

Today, I’m going to share two of many Christmas memories about my late mom that I’ll hold dear in my heart for the rest of my life. My Mom never allowed my cerebral palsy to limit her vision of the man that I could become. Depending on your background or experience this time of year c...

How Being a Gay Mom Has Changed in the Last 20 Years

Being a lesbian, let alone a lesbian mother, has changed a lot in the last 20 years — and proudly, we can say we’ve made progress for the better, even if there is still a long way to go. In celebration of the transformation of LGBTQ+ motherhood, we’ve decided to tell...

This is all very intentional. Don’t believe it? Ask a Mom in Family Court.

What we are witnessing with the overturn of Roe v. Wade is a direct reflection of the evidence-based gender bias & injustices that are present in the lower family courts throughout the U.S. (and throughout the globe) that deprive women and children of their basic human rights and right to live f...

She Poisoned Her Ex-Boyfriend’s Mom.. Or Did She? The Story Of Kaitlyn Conley

At 60 years old, Mary Yoder had it all. She met her husband, 68-year-old Bill Yoder, in college in 1975. Together, they had three children and owned a locally-beloved chiropractic family care practice in Whitesboro, New York. Their business was successful, having been open for 28 years. Mary herself...

I’m a Black PTA Mom and It’s Weird AF

Blackness is moving in the world and entering spaces that do not belong to you. It is a quick scan and not being at all surprised to see only White faces. It is sitting down with an existential sensitivity to being both watched and ignored. Whiteness in these spaces is defined as more than melani...

Why This Single Sober Mom Now Takes Shrooms on the Daily

I love shrooms. Other mind-altering substances don’t work for me. But psychedelics? I never had a problem. Before I learned the science behind them, I knew they weren’t harmful. I’ve been sober for two decades for a good reason. Alcohol is dangerous for me, and I should stay awa...

In Defense of “Mom” and “Dad”

There is a growing trend of children, especially teens and adult children, calling their parents by their first names. When I was growing up (not that long ago), such a thing was unthinkable. Part of me still wishes it was unthinkable. Call me old-fashioned but I can’t help but be troubled ...

Memories of Mom #27: College Fashion Show

When I was a senior in college, a local designer in Flagstaff, AZ, asked me to walk as a model in her fashion show for her design debut at the Shoes & Such boutique, which I’m thrilled to find out is still going strong for 21 years now! This was my first time being asked to “wal...