My Taiwanese Mom is Crazy Because Love Sucks: Part 5 — Labor of Love

<p>My mom and I had arrived home by now. I leaned against the walls of our spacious elevator, with one arm behind my back gripping the silver elevator handrail and the other holding a takeout bag full of juicy duck, trying to fathom my mom&rsquo;s situation. Damn, she had more drama in her life than five full seasons of&nbsp;<em>Terrace House</em>.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">1</a></p> <p>I also couldn&rsquo;t stop contemplating the colossal blunder my dad, Simon Chen, had made. This wasn&rsquo;t a girlfriend asking her boyfriend to do a simple task like stop playing&nbsp;<em>Call of Duty</em>&nbsp;on a Friday night to hang out, for the 100th time. This request was a tad bit more serious, stop mingling with another woman, let alone letting her into your house.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Taiwanese Mom