Dad Isn’t Clueless, and Mom Doesn’t Need Help

<p>I&rsquo;m not the first mother who has, at one point or another, said, &ldquo;I need help.&rdquo; Well, I haven&rsquo;t always just &ldquo;said&rdquo; this. I&rsquo;m more likely to have grumbled, wailed, or screeched it.</p> <p>The generally apathetic response, both from individuals and society at large, has astounded me. Male partners insist that the household labor is divided equally, that invisible labor doesn&rsquo;t really exist and we&rsquo;re just making up unnecessary shit to do.</p> <p>Employers tell us to prioritize our jobs above all else, and if we can&rsquo;t afford or find the childcare we need in order to do said jobs, well, that&rsquo;s not their problem.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Clueless Mom