Tag: Miserable

7 (Miserable) Tell-Tell Signs AI Wrote Your Article

I’m over this sh*t. Every second article smells like ChatGPT these days. What happened to creativity? What happened to authenticity? What happened to a good old typo? Seriously. I actually appreciate a good old typo nowadays. At least it’s honest. Here are 7 vi...

Why Does the Right Wing Want Single Women to be Miserable?

It all started with a harmless, perfectly pleasant, and honest TikTok. A woman named Julia Mazur using the handle Pmdpod recently posted a video on the social media platform that has now gone viral, where she said: “It’s 10:45am on a Saturday. I’m 29 and single and I don&rs...

Plastic Recycling Is A (Miserable) Lie That Is Killing Our Planet

It has come to a point where environmentalists are asking people to please throw their plastic waste in the garbage where it can at least go to a landfill instead of ending up in the ocean. Why is it getting shipped off instead of recycled? Simple. It’s cheaper. It is even cheaper to ...

Plastic Recycling Is A (Miserable) Lie That Is Killing Our Planet

We have a colossal problem. Pandemonium. Plastic recycling is a big fat lie. Environmentalists even now say: Throw your plastic in the garbage not the recycle bin. A landfill is better than the ocean. A landfill is better than shipping it off. Don’t get me wrong. ...

Making This One Goal-Setting Mistake Can Make You Miserable

Goals-setting is not a magical one-stop solution to cure all your ills. Like powerful prescription medication, it can be effective when used for the proper indication and at the correct dose but toxic when misapplied. In my previous article, I explored some ways that misuse of goal-setting c...

How Work-Life Balance Makes People Miserable

“So, who thinks searching for a good balance between your work life and your personal life is important? Please raise your hand.” The hands of all the graduates went up instantly. This didn’t surprise the commencement speaker, who surely expected this response. But her&n...

Making This One Goal-Setting Mistake Can Make You Miserable

Goals-setting is not a magical one-stop solution to cure all your ills. Like powerful prescription medication, it can be effective when used for the proper indication and at the correct dose but toxic when misapplied. In my previous article, I explored some ways that misuse of goal-setting c...

Forgetting This One Item on My Trip to Prague Made the First 48 Hours Miserable

I retraced my steps at Atlanta’s gargantuan airport. My pocket had felt lighter than usual. The difference was small, but I sensed it nonetheless. Reaching inside my pocket, I knew something was missing. When I found out what was missing, I wasn’t alarmed. Yet. The item must’...