Making This One Goal-Setting Mistake Can Make You Miserable

<p>Goals-setting is not a magical one-stop solution to cure all your ills. Like powerful prescription medication, it can be effective when used for the proper indication and at the correct dose but toxic when misapplied.</p> <p>In my previous article, I explored some&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">ways that misuse of goal-setting can cause harm,</a>&nbsp;problems from setting overly specific or ambitious goals to the self-defeating behaviors that can result from goal fixation.</p> <p>Like prescription medication, goal-setting must be used in a deliberate and conscious way to avoid doing more harm than good.</p> <h1>The Biggest Single Mistake</h1> <p>The one thing worse than failing to achieve your goals may be succeeding in reaching the wrong goals.</p> <p>Before you set any goal, you must consider one overarching issue: is this goal right for you?</p> <h2>Is this the right goal?</h2> <p>Often people see an ad on TV, a blog on the internet, or watch what people around them are doing and think, &ldquo;Yeah, I want that.&rdquo;</p> <p>Before pursuing that goal, ask yourself, &ldquo;Is this something I really want?&rdquo;</p> <p>The surest way to toxic goal setting is to go chasing after the wrong thing. You can trust me on this because I know from experience. For years, I chased after &ldquo;success&rdquo; as a surgeon.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>