Tag: mindset

Some lesser known facts about coding mindset that I have learnt.

Introduction Working as a software engineer, I have learnt many things about coding standards, coding practices, design patterns, pros and cons of programming languages which ultimately forms a “Coding mindset”. Along with technical knowledge having right coding mindset is necess...

Moving From a Project to a Product Mindset

The Iron Triangle concept was born in the 50s. I won’t go into it’s long and varied history, but safe to say project folk the world over know it well and live by it. Frequently, it is used in stakeholder meetings to justify extending the timeline, when asking for more money, or to trim s...

Why We Struggle With The Efficiency Mindset

Our deepest beliefs are often girded by assumptions we rarely articulate. The mindset of efficiency is one of mine. The assumptions of this mindset are essentially: There are things we want. We can take actions to get the things we want. Some actions are more efficient than others &mdas...

How This Mindset Change Can Help You to Crush Procrastination

There’s a simple science-backed mindset that you can adopt to crush procrastination. I have been a chronic procrastinator for the majority of my life. In university, I remember staying until 3 AM to write an entire semester’s lab report a night before it was due. Ultimately, I s...

3 Mindset Changes That Massively Improved My Life

These three mindsets change I made a few years back really improved my life. Now, I would sort a list out some of the mindset changes that I’ve made over a couple of years. Since I graduated from college these have really improved things for me on a daily basis. If you can adopt even jus...

Nature Always Wins: Why I Set My Broken-Winged Butterfly Free

I was surprised it hatched at all. I had my eye on this chrysalis in my butterfly house. A normal chrysalis is a pale green smooth-to-the-touch cocoon with gold dots encircling the top. Out of the 50 butterflies I’ve raised, I’d never seen a chrysalis with black lines through it. I ho...

From Stuck to Unstoppable: 5 Mindset Shifts That Changed My Life

We all face periods in life where we feel stuck in place like we’re spinning our wheels without gaining traction. Though these ruts can seem impossible to escape, adjusting your mindset is the key to breaking through them. By making subtle but profound shifts in how I viewed obstacles and m...

These 14 Small Mindset Shifts Will Change Your Life

For the most part, we can’t change the world. We can’t change the fundamental facts of existence–like the fact that we’re going to die. We can’t change other people. Does that mean that everything is hopeless and permanently broken? No, because although we ha...

Why We Struggle With “The Efficiency Mindset”

Our deepest beliefs are often girded by assumptions we rarely articulate. The mindset of efficiency is one of mine. The assumptions of this mindset are essentially: There are things we want. We can take actions to get the things we want. Some actions are more efficient than others &mdas...

These 7 Small Mindset Shifts Will Change Your Life

Have you ever felt stuck in life? Like you’re running in place and not making any real progress? Many of us get caught in ruts, falling into habitual patterns of thinking and behavior that hold us back from reaching our full potential and living the life we truly want. The good news i...

10 powerful equations that will rewire your mindset

I’m all about simplifying! My mission: simplify life, goals, actions, relationships, and thoughts. No settling, just simplifying. I’ve successfully simplified complex concepts with visuals in this and this post, and they resonated strongly. Now, I’...

Why We Struggle With “The Efficiency Mindset”

Our deepest beliefs are often girded by assumptions we rarely articulate. The mindset of efficiency is one of mine. The assumptions of this mindset are essentially: There are things we want. We can take actions to get the things we want. Some actions are more efficient than others &mdas...

How to Have Only “Productive” Meetings: A Guide to Effective Meetings and Team Mindset.

“I have so much work, but my calendar is packed with meetings today, making it difficult to find time for actual progress.” “It’s Friday, and I haven’t made any progress this week because my schedule was filled with meetings.” “I feel overwhelmed; I ...

Reach For The Moon — Space Exploration & The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Growing up with an entrepreneurial father made choosing the path less travelled an easy decision for Stefan Siarov. Very few of us end up with that path leading to outer space. We talk about thinking global — in Stefan’s case, it’s a case of ‘think universal’. ...

The Secret to Successful Fundraising: Understanding the Venture Capitalist Mindset

You've spent countless hours refining your pitch deck, attending incubation programs, seeking advice from mentors, and even hiring consultants. Yet, despite all your efforts, you find yourself facing rejection after rejection from venture capitalists (VCs). Sound familiar? The truth is ...

The Wealth Pyramid That Will Shift Your Money Mindset

In 1999, Mark Cuban sold his company Broadcast.com to Yahoo for $5.7 billion in stock. Most people would be on top of the world after such a move, but something was bothering Mark. He could sense that the Internet bubble was about to burst, and he was contractually obliged to hold on to his shares f...

The growth mindset of gentleness and harmony…

It started out as a typical day. My daughter had accidentally forgotten her personal things at home that she needed for school. She was so stressed and sent me a message to please bring them to her. Being the Mama that I am…I knew that she could really use the help. In a very fixed mindset, I...

Mindset Makes A Difference

I was first diagnosed with cancer 20 years ago. I was given 6 months to live by my doctors. This was because I had inflammatory breast disease. At the time of my diagnosis, 85% of those with this condition were dead within 18 months. The 5 year surival rates were abysmal. Yet here I am. Yes, i...

VIDEO: “Most Mainstream Historians Are Trained in a Conformist Mindset”

“So, for example, Mahatma Gandhi in his letters and diaries was very plain that Madame Blavatsky as a person, and Theosophy as a principle, had an enormous, formative effect on the Indian independence movement. India today is the largest democracy in the world. “Gandhi traced his earl...

Why it’s important to understand our collective genetic mindset — and learn to resist it

Swimming In the Shadowy, Collective Ocean Of The Not-Self One of the other reasons we can be resistant to working with Human Design is because it points out what we are, and also what we are not. What we are is our unique genetic design, defined centers and channels, profil...

The Power of Mindset

Mindset is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal to control the direction of your life. Before you do anything, you have to believe it’s possible. But mindset can be an elusive word, something experts and self-help gurus use to describe a concept that can often be difficult to underst...

Stoicism: The BEST Mindset To Change Your Life

I know I’ve talked about it before here on Medium, but it’s such an interesting topic I had to write about it once again. So, let's get started and talk about some famous stoics. It's a philosophy that dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, with an emphasis on rational...

Don’t Ditch It, Fix It: Stand Against the Disposable Mindset

Today, realizing I needed a new keyboard somehow turned into a reflection of our rampant and ever-increasing consumerism. Photo by OCG Saving The Ocean on Unsplash Typically, where does one turn when in search of something new? The internet, of course! However, my journey to...