3 Mindset Changes That Massively Improved My Life

<p>These three mindsets change I made a few years back really improved my life. Now, I would sort a list out some of the mindset changes that I&rsquo;ve made over a couple of years.</p> <p>Since I graduated from college these have really improved things for me on a daily basis.</p> <p>If you can adopt even just one of these into your own life, I think you&rsquo;re going to notice a marked improvement as well.</p> <h1>Become Okay with being the Worst Person in the Room</h1> <p>By that I mean, the worst person at whatever skill you&rsquo;re trying out.</p> <p>This fear of being labeled as the worst person in the room keeps people from pursuing the things they want to do.</p> <p>If you can become okay with being bad at something then you start to compete in a higher league.</p> <p>This summer when I started writing on Medium. It was a big pull for someone who never had an online presence before. In beginning, I felt like I&rsquo;m the worst author on Medium and nobody wants to read my perspective.</p> <p>I kind of felt self-conscious about my abilities at first.</p> <p>Then I realized that if I just challenged myself to follow these authors who were better than me, I actually would get better more quickly.</p> <p>I found that this actually did happen.</p> <p>At first, I wasn&rsquo;t consistent and not publishing quality content when I was alone. But when I was following somebody, there was this competitive instinct that kicked in.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/3-mindset-changes-that-massively-improved-my-life-27d4276e9529">Visit Now</a></p>