Tag: Mindful

Being Mindful, the Simple Joys in Life - and, a Poem of Mine Thrown in Too

Hello there you. How are you feeling today? Good, bad, mediocore or just plain old meh? Do you practice mindfulness? I know it’s a term that’s thrown about and feels like a feckin broken record these days. However. It’s a practice that helps me whenever I feel stress...

3 reasons and ways to be a Mindful Leader

Are you a Leader aspiring to be a CXO? then this article is for you. Congratulations on reaching where you are in your journey. You are now poised to take that leap into the executive level, but as you may know, a corporate career is like a pyramid and it keeps getting narrower as you move up. If...

A Mindful Game Aimed At Children

My eldest daughter had never been into computer games until one day she asked for a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. I can’t remember how old she was maybe 8 or 9 but after some careful research as we didn't want her to be stuck in her bedroom for hours on end (ironic now as a teenager as th...

Present-Mindful Poetry: Origins

My first exposure to the practice of present-moment mindfulness dates back more than two decades ago, when I started the efficient but elaborate (and time-consuming!) commute from a suburban gaijin house to my new job in west-end Tokyo. E-books and audiobooks became more than just my constant travel...

How to Practice Mindful Reiki

Practicing Reiki as a spiritual discipline is almost never discussed in any books, any websites and none of the national Reiki organisations. So prevalent is the obsession with Reiki as nothing more than a hands-on energy healing system, that its larger, more challenging but more important aspects a...