Being Mindful, the Simple Joys in Life - and, a Poem of Mine Thrown in Too
<p>Hello there you.</p>
<p>How are you feeling today?</p>
<p>Good, bad, mediocore or just plain old meh?</p>
<p>Do you practice mindfulness? I know it’s a term that’s thrown about and feels like a feckin broken record these days.</p>
<p>It’s a practice that helps me whenever I feel stressed. It always brings me right back to the present moment. I’m more aware of how my body feels - without staying trapped in a cycle of rumination. Oh boy can that be exhausting.</p>
<p>Mindfulness is not a tool that solves all your problems. However, it helps.</p>
<p>I love practicing mindfulness when out on my walk or whenever sitting down with a hot cuppa. I’m self-aware in those moments. It’s time for <em>me</em></p>
<p>Would you like to learn more?</p>
<p><strong>Mindful Walk Exercise</strong></p>
<p>Next time you go for a walk, become more aware of your <strong>five</strong> senses (what you <strong>see, hear, taste, touch</strong>, <strong>smell</strong>) And, keep bringing yourself back to those senses if your mind drifts.</p>
<p>The following exercise can be a great exercise for being more in the moment and self-aware. You can even try this when washing dishes, sitting down or having a hot cuppa. You are aware of your body and living in the now.</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>