A Mindful Game Aimed At Children

<p>My eldest daughter had never been into computer games until one day she asked for a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. I can&rsquo;t remember how old she was maybe 8 or 9 but after some careful research as we didn&#39;t want her to be stuck in her bedroom for hours on end (ironic now as a teenager as that is all she does!), we saw it as harmless and she rarely asked for anything so we went ahead and got her one.</p> <p><strong>She also asked for a game called Animal Crossing</strong></p> <p>I was aware of this game as in an attempt to get me into games back when my husband had a PlayStation he had bought me a Nintendo DS, the Switches predecessor and I too had Animal Crossing so knew it was nothing harmful. She didn&#39;t get anything else for Christmas from us that year as it was expensive, but she was grateful!</p> <p>My daughter absolutely loved Animal Crossing and still plays it to this day at nearly 14. What she loves the most about it is when she feels anxious she plays it and it takes her mind off anything she&#39;s worried about. We recently bought her an expansion pack or whatever it is as She doesn&rsquo;t seem addicted to it and I actually think it helps her mood.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@amychambers09/a-mindful-game-aimed-at-children-c855ff34f7b3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mindful Game