Tag: Millennium

Pieces finally start falling into place for Millennium, but the puzzle is still far from solved

A lot of the problems with Millennium as an event is just how disjointed everything feels. It frequently doesn’t feel like a lot of creators really tried to do anything interesting with the first three weeks of crossovers, while the main book has acted as a greatest-hits mark for the past two ...

A Chosen finally develops a personality as the Green Lanterns finally do something in Millennium

This issue picks up right after Millennium #3 with Hal Jordan worried about his friend Tom Kalmaku after Tom and his family disappeared from the citadel. The other heroes doubt involvement from the Manhunters, even as Janwillem Kroef shows a strong dislike for the number of non-white indiv...

Superman’s backward Millennium and Batman gets a robot watchman for some reason

When you have three books a month to write for the crossover, it makes a sort of sense to do your own thing. John Byrne does just this by starting his crossover issues with barely anything connected to the Millennium event. Instead, it reintroduces another old-school Superman villain. Art by ...