Superman’s backward Millennium and Batman gets a robot watchman for some reason

<p>When you have three books a month to write for the crossover, it makes a sort of sense to do your own thing. John Byrne does just this by starting his crossover issues with barely anything connected to the Millennium event. Instead, it reintroduces another old-school Superman villain.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*wOGZeUSd9wI5OfvJOCP8cQ.jpeg" style="height:1079px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Art by John Byrne. Owned by DC Comics and used for review purposes.</p> <p>Superman is contacted by Maggie Sawyer. Two British Intelligence operatives (who are definitely Steed and Mrs. Peel) have warned the police that W. Percival Schott, the Toyman, has found his way to Metropolis. After being fired from the toy firm he worked at in the UK for decades, he set out to murder everyone related to his firing. He&rsquo;d succeeded there, but is now going after the parent company: Lexcorp.</p> <p>This leads Superman to save Lex Luthor from a replica of his earliest aircraft. This angers the Toyman and he sets off to kill Superman with an army of action figures. Superman takes on the explosive enemies and then uses their trail to follow them back to the Toyman. He doesn&rsquo;t find him though, as Toyman has already been captured by a mysterious figure with plans for his future. The Toyman won&rsquo;t resurface for years after this though, so whether anything comes of the &ldquo;mysterious captor&rdquo; is a story for years down the road.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>