A Chosen finally develops a personality as the Green Lanterns finally do something in Millennium

<p>This issue picks up right after&nbsp;<em>Millennium&nbsp;</em>#3 with Hal Jordan worried about his friend Tom Kalmaku after Tom and his family disappeared from the citadel. The other heroes doubt involvement from the Manhunters, even as Janwillem Kroef shows a strong dislike for the number of non-white individuals in their gathering. The British Chosen, Celia Windward, expresses her agreement with Tom making the choice best for him. She doesn&rsquo;t think anyone should be forced into staying or going, and her disillusionment with mankind is clear from her years growing up in Thatcher&rsquo;s Britain (which Englehart again doesn&rsquo;t shy away from calling fascist.)</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*5VbqiYuoeomftC9ZK2EDNA.jpeg" style="height:1066px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Art by Chris Wozniak. Owned by DC Comics and used for review purposes.</p> <p>Hal doesn&rsquo;t believe anyone could be as cynical as Celia and wants to prove the value of humanity to her. He invites her to accompany him on his quest to find Tom. Rather than stay near Kroef, she agrees.</p> <p>Hal and Celia head to Tom&rsquo;s home and his office, where he&rsquo;s confronted by Mister Smith and much of the Ferris Aircraft team. Smith denies being a Manhunter when Green Lantern accuses him. After the Lantern and Celia get information about the plane Tom stole, Mister Smith garrotes the same informant before he pursues them.</p> <p>As Hal deals with those issues, Kilowog flies into space with a plan to murder Sinestro for committing genocide against his race. He&rsquo;s stopped before delivering a killing blow by Arisia. The two battle it out over whether Kilowog can mete out justice in that way. He ultimately decides that he&rsquo;s not a murderer, which leads to Sinestro gloating that he will be free soon enough.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/dc-a-new-dawn/a-chosen-finally-develops-a-personality-as-the-green-lanterns-finally-do-something-in-millennium-778ac4a7fde8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>