Tag: Milky

A Vanilla Wafer in a Milky Way World

I was born, first. It has always amazed me the miracle of birth isn’t so hard to execute; even starting the process — copulation — is way too easy; moving out the slip-‘n-slide birth canal — at least for the vast majority of squirming masses (although I admit, for ...


Getting older doesn’t always mean getting wiser. Sometimes, in getting older, we get more lost in the sauce of life, ignoring its sticky residue lingering and dripping off our bodies. Sometimes we justify our continued ignorance because we’ve mistaken getting older with getting wiser. Bu...

The Death of the Milky Way

It is predicated that this collision will occur 4–5 billion years from now, which raises the question: will the earth survive? Will our sun be destroyed? What will happen to humanity? Well first of all, the chances of our sun colliding with another star, or a chance of literally any Milky Way ...

What was it like when the Milky Way grew up?

The Milky Way galaxy may be just one among trillions present within the observable Universe, but it’s uniquely special for personal reasons to us: it’s our cosmic home. It’s the fertile soil from which our Sun and Solar System, including the bodies that would eventually become plan...