Tag: Memories

Back-to-School Playlist — 15 Harmonious 1979 High School Senior Year Memories

  Buddy Gott  laid down a back-to-school playlist challenge in his recent announcement: Choose any of your school years and cobble together the songs you would have wanted to hear then. After a prolonged absence to pursue his real life, the cheerful, delightful Buddy is ...

Midnight Memories: Does Grief Have a Time Limit?

I’m abruptly pulled from the clutches of uneasy dreams as I am entangled in a restless dance upon a sea of sheets. In the thick embrace of the sultry southern summer, the heat clings to my room like an insomniac ghost, its tendrils refusing to loosen their grip. The unruly symphony of a storm ...

Memories of My Father are Close Calls and Missed Opportunities

A painted image of my soul could be The figure of a gnarled grand oak tree With roots planted in sordid history I am alive but barren and broken The past has secrets we’ve never spoken Knowing the truth is a lucky token For those who wander, unafraid to ask Questions to answers they...

My memories from Ceausescu time

What I remember from Ceausescu’s reign? I was little and we stood in lines like other children, to help our parents, who were also standing in other lines, obviously. Bread was rationed, so was butter and flour, sugar, in fact the basic foods were in portions, and we sometimes sat for hours ...

Gingham Memories

Time, a precious thing. Even the sharpest memories seem to fade on a table bare as pressed flowers and wilted words become poetry. I still remember my sister pressing her ear against the wall to hear the chatter on the other side, with papa always dozing off in his plushy brown recliner ...

Moments to memories: The Magic of the Empty Wall Project

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, our homes often hold more than just furniture and decor. They’re the silent witnesses to our cherished memories, laughter-filled gatherings, and the milestones that shape our lives. Yet, amidst all this, there’s one aspect of our homes that tend...

Venba Brought Up Far Too Many Memories For Me

I started writing this article shortly after finishing this game. I just had to write about it, I was thinking about it too much. I love this game. Venba is a game based on the Tamil culture originating in India. It’s a game about a mother born in India who has moved to Canada in the 80s for a...

The Mark of A Thousand Memories

BUENOS AIRES — Heat so heavy you can taste it. Crammed onto creaky wooden walkways, feet constantly fighting for balance, you wander around windowless rooms and snake around unlit corridors, each step forward bringing the walls in closer, and closer, and closer. Your heart beating bruises into...

Hong Kong…A City Of The Lost Memories

Hong Kong, most of you are familiar with its nickname of …Pearl of the Orient, Hybrid of East & West, Vibrant & Dynamic,…etc, etc; in addition to …small, crowded, busy, and super fast. You can find all this information on WIKI, and therefore I would like to start with...

Finding Hidden Memories in Hypnotherapy

One of the most powerful approaches we can use in hypnotherapy is helping a client remember the first time they ever experienced their current level of fear or anxiety. The memory of that first time gives them a profound understanding of how it shaped their self-esteem and self-confidence....

Looking Through Past Memories

On 29th of June 2017, I self-authored my destiny when the Australian Department of Home Affairs asked me for an essay about why I wanted to study in Australia. As an 18 year old kid, I couldn’t have imagined that my 1500-word essay would start a series of events that will change the entire cou...

Preserving Memories: Journaling, Sharing, and Storytelling

You know, it’s become quite common knowledge that ever since the Covid pandemic hit, there’s been this surge in interest when it comes to bird watching. It’s fascinating to see how more and more newspapers and publications are featuring stories about folks who’ve suddenly dev...

Your Memories Can Be Your Angels When You’re Lonely

When darkness falls and shadows creep, And loneliness threatens to steal your sleep, Take solace, dear friend, in memories untold, For they are the angels that your heart will hold. In a world plagued by the epidemic of isolation, Where one-third of souls suffer in desperation, We must not i...

Red Envelopes and Bittersweet Memories: Lunar New Year as a First-Gen American

Let’s get one thing straight from the get-go: nostalgia is a tricky companion. It’s like that friend who shows up at your door with a bottle of wine on a Tuesday night, insisting on a trip down memory lane, only for you to wake up the next morning with a hangover, questioning your life c...

The memories around us

December 2018. An empty field somewhere in France. The nearest house is one kilometer away. It’s freezing cold. What am I doing here? Every place has a memory. Perhaps dreams. This one has nightmares. Nearly a hundred people were massacred right on this spot. I am possibly the very last ...

How Quickly We Forget: False Memories Form Fast

Your fondest memories are liable to be works of notable fiction, perhaps based on a true story, but often glaringly embellished and stunningly inaccurate. The stories we tell ourselves—including what might’ve begun as raw, factual recollections of, say, a car crash we saw moments ago ...

Memories of Mom #27: College Fashion Show

When I was a senior in college, a local designer in Flagstaff, AZ, asked me to walk as a model in her fashion show for her design debut at the Shoes & Such boutique, which I’m thrilled to find out is still going strong for 21 years now! This was my first time being asked to “wal...

The House of Common Memories

I find it fascinating to imagine that one day artificial intelligence and our own mind may find a common ground through which language can flourish and take place. The language though which machine and people can communicate is predominantly run by the keys on a keyboard. In the future it is l...