Tag: Medieval

Valannia: The Next-Gen Medieval Fantasy Game on Solana

Is set to begin a series of launches in 2024.  Valannia  is a Medieval Fantasy and Strategy MMO being built in Unreal Engine 5 and on the Solana blockchain Valannia Title Card Valannia Website: https://valannia.com/ Valannia Twitter: https://twitter.com/ValanniaG...

Paris in Medieval Times (~350 to 1500 CE)

The emergence of Paris as a world-class city was not preordained. The earliest written account we have of the city is from 358 CE. Roman emperor Julian described Lutetia, as Paris was then known, as “a small island settlement with a few bridges and good water.”[1] Julian was passing...

A Medieval Park in the Centre of Prague that Harbors a Dungeon Chapel and a Peacock Haven

I want to go in there!” I grabbed Keath’s elbow and peered through a locked wrought iron gate. We had walked down U Lužického semináře street a few times during our time in Prague, but this was the first time I noticed the garden beyond the arched entrance. Disapp...

Curiosity Killed The Cat: The role of cats from the Roman Period to the Late Medieval Ages

During the early years of the Roman period, cats were not used for their mousing abilities. Instead, polecats and ferrets were commonly used for vermin control. However, this attitude towards cats changed in the 4th century when the Roman Palladius recommended using cats instead of ferrets to catch ...

A Medieval Fresco, Templar Mysteries, and the Psychedelic Forbidden Fruit

Illustrated nearly a millennia ago within a French chapel built by the Knights Hospitaller, the Hospitaller and the legendary Knights Templar were mysterious Christian warriors who ravaged the Holy Land during the Crusades. In historical legends and popular culture (such as Indiana Jones or The D...

Most Brutal Medieval Punishments

The medieval period, known for its brutal methods of punishment, witnessed perhaps its most gruesome penalty in the form of being hanged, drawn, and quartered. This extreme form of capital punishment was reserved for those convicted of high treason in England. This crime was viewed as the gr...

The Inhumanity of Ancient and Medieval Warfare Cannot Be Understated

Ancient warfare is romanticized in modern culture with large cinematic battles that rage on our televisions and popular novels that take place in Medieval times. The sword and longbow are venerated, chain mail and plate armor are coveted, and the actuality of ancient warfare is left far behind in th...

Mastering the Art of Warfare: 10 Ancient and Medieval Tactics

The Oblique Order was a revolutionary advancement in ancient Greek warfare. Prior to its adoption, hoplite formations clashed head-on, with victory determined by the number of ranks and unit quality. However, the Oblique Order altered this norm. At the Battle of Leuctra, the brilliant Theban general...