A Medieval Park in the Centre of Prague that Harbors a Dungeon Chapel and a Peacock Haven

<p>I want to go in there!&rdquo; I grabbed Keath&rsquo;s elbow and peered through a locked wrought iron gate. We had walked down U Lužick&eacute;ho semin&aacute;ře<em>&nbsp;</em>street a few times during our time in Prague, but this was the first time I noticed the garden beyond the arched entrance.</p> <p>Disappointingly, it was closed for the day and we continued to our tram stop. I forgot all about wanting to see it until we walked by a few days later, this time with our suitcases rumbling over cobblestones, in search of our last-minute, final night in Prague accommodations.</p> <p><a href="https://thehubpublication.com/a-mediaeval-park-in-the-centre-of-prague-that-harbors-a-dungeon-chapel-and-a-peacock-haven-d5cf653a2943"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Medieval Park