Mastering the Art of Warfare: 10 Ancient and Medieval Tactics

<p><strong>The Oblique Order was a revolutionary advancement in ancient Greek warfare. Prior to its adoption, hoplite formations clashed head-on, with victory determined by the number of ranks and unit quality. However, the Oblique Order altered this norm. At the Battle of Leuctra, the brilliant Theban general Epaminondas concentrated most of his troops on the left flank, deliberately weakening the center and right. As his left engaged the enemy&rsquo;s right flank, the center and right slowly retreated. This brilliant maneuver resulted in a Theban victory, and the Spartan army had no choice but to retreat. The key to this tactic was the ability to hold off engagement for as long as possible while retreating, providing support and protection to the concentrated unit.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>