Tag: Matter

Things That Actually Matter in This World

Rong Liang Chia is battling stage three Pancreatic cancer. Most patients with Stage III pancreatic cancer will develop a recurrence of their cancer after surgery. According to one medical website: “The majority of patients with Stage III disease have micrometastases that cannot be...

Things That Actually Matter in This World

Rong Liang Chia is battling stage three Pancreatic cancer. Most patients with Stage III pancreatic cancer will develop a recurrence of their cancer after surgery. According to one medical website: “The majority of patients with Stage III disease have micrometastases that cannot be...

Experience Doesn’t Matter

Experience Doesn’t Matter (…As Much) People gasp when they hear me say it. Or at the very least, they roll their eyes. “When hiring,” I say, “prioritize experience below most other things.” Or, more bluntly, “Experience doesn’t matter nearly as muc...

For green grants, millions matter.

The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Board of Trustees awarded seven grants totaling $1.5 million as part of its long-standing Green Infrastructure Grant Program. When these projects are complete, nearly 3 million additional gallons of stormwater runoff will be kept out of the combined...

Why your dreams matter more than you think — and why we must pay attention to them now more than ever

This rabbit hole I was taken down led me to understand the significance of dreams. Gabrielle was right all along! I was very interested to learn just how significant to the process of learning our dreams were always considered in the Islamic tradition in the past — something we have sadly very...

I will not say “Jewish Lives Matter,” because all lives matter.

I’m not playing a psychological game where I try to make you admit that suddenly “All Lives Matter” seems an empty evasion when you compare the lives that are special to you to everyone else’s. It makes you think, though, doesn’t it? I’m not setting up the &ldq...

That Matter to Which I Am Bound

I can’t stop thinking about a specific passage in Thoreau’s The Maine Woods. It has lodged itself in my mind and seems to be preventing me from thinking about anything else. I have a sense I must address it — flesh it out— before it will loosen its grip on me. The pas...

Words Matter When It Comes To Racism

Some racist words are well known and should not be uttered. Others are not well known, but they should be avoided once they become known. A person can be ignorant of all the racist words but should be willing to never use them if they find out about them. Racism of any kind should not be acceptab...

Diversity and inclusion aren’t what matter. Belonging is what counts.

Every human can think of a moment when he or she felt they didn’t belong. It’s not a feeling you forget. Even as a kid, you develop ‘spidey-senses’ for it. Exclusion hurts and thinking of times when you didn’t fit in because of something you couldn’t control can t...

Beware of White Saviors with ‘Black Lives Matter’ Signs

In her November 21 appearance on Andy Ostroy’s “The Back Room” podcast, Emmy-winning actress Julianna Margulies’s White-savior liberalism went off the rails and crashed spectacularly, leaving skid marks on the backs of Black and LGBTQ people. So this is...

Offensive Or Empowering? Why Context Matters In The Use Of Slurs.

Take the ’N’ word, for example… Commonly used in grime music amongst black rappers for which we take no offence, yet if a white person were to go around brandishing black people with the N word, then they would be accused of, in their use of such discriminatory language, being &ls...

When Words Matter

Predicating this prompt was our class’s viewing of Steven Spielberg’s 2012 film Lincoln. In that film two historical moments formed the crux of our class discussion and thus, the Thoreau-inspired writing prompt. The first of these moments, during the midst of the Civil War, was L...

Answering White People’s Most Commonly Asked Questions about the Black Lives Matter Movement

In light of that, I along with a small group of fellow white anti-racist activists decided to create a collective Q&A that could be shared widely. These are not the answers, but they are some answers. One mistake white people make is trying to show up only when they think they can...

Words Matter When It Comes To Racism

Racist rants became quite prevalent against people of Asian backgrounds during the height of the COVID pandemic. Because the virus was blamed on China, people of Asian backgrounds were seen as being responsible for the problems that COVID brought. People would act out against Asian Americans for no ...

Why is Dark Matter So Hard to See? A Dive into China’s New Underground Lab — UniBrowPk

In the heart of China’s Sichuan province, beneath 7,800 feet of granite, whispers a hidden world. Not one of ancient tombs or forgotten treasures, but one of unseen forces shaping the very fabric of our universe. Here, nestled deep within the Jinping Underground Laboratory II (CJPL-II), scient...

States of Matter — Chemistry Short Notes

States of Matter — Solids Properties: Solids have a definite shape and volume. They are rigid and resist deformation. The particles (atoms or molecules) in solids are tightly packed and held together by strong intermolecular forces. These forces restrict the movement of the particles, ...

Would the Extinction of Humanity Matter?

In this essay, I will explore a question concerning the extinction of the human race; as a result, the end of art, science, complex linguistics, and transferable knowledge. Although counterintuitive to many, I will argue that the extinction of humanity would bring about more “good” than ...