Would the Extinction of Humanity Matter?

<p>In this essay, I will explore a question concerning the extinction of the human race; as a result, the end of art, science, complex linguistics, and transferable knowledge. Although counterintuitive to many, I will argue that the extinction of humanity would bring about more &ldquo;good&rdquo; than it would eliminate, and I will argue this on the premises that, (a.) all life is intrinsically important, (b.) we are anthropogenically causing the sixth mass extinction event, and (c.) we are destined to destroy and corrupt; at the fateful conception of the genetic mutation that forged the clarity between the blurred lines between&nbsp;<em>Homo heidelbergensis&nbsp;</em>and the first&nbsp;<em>Homo sapien,&nbsp;</em>history had been written in an instant; our blink in time was destined to be tainted by our nature.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Wheelieboi/would-the-extinction-of-humanity-matter-8f4aa537f847"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>