Tag: Matplotlib

How to Create a Polar Histogram With Python and Matplotlib

Hi, and welcome to this Python + Matplotlib tutorial, where I will show you how to create the beautiful polar histogram you see above. Polar histograms are great when you have too many values for a standard bar chart. The circular shape where each bar gets thinner towards the middle allows us to ...

Advanced Tutorial: How to Master Matplotlib Like an Absolute Boss

I used to have a rule… When I was a beginner learning data visualization, I used to have a rule — never, ever visit the Matplotlib documentation. Nothing good ever came out of there. When I was on its pages, my eyes would process English words but, somehow, they were int...

Creating Scientific Plots the Easy Way With scienceplots and matplotlib

When writing articles for publication in academic journals, the layout and style of the figures are expected to conform to a predefined format. This ensures consistency across all of that publication's articles and that any included figures are high quality when printed. Python is widely used...

How to Create a Publication-Quality Heatmap in Python

Heatmaps can be used as informative figures to convey quantitative data. They can be used to convey data in an easy-to-read format providing a concise data summary. Python has a number of tools to facilitate the production of publication quality heatmaps. These include the Seaborn and Matplotlib ...

Utilising pykrige and matplotlib for Spatial Visualisation of Geological Variations

When working with geological and petrophysical data, we often want to understand how that data changes over our field or region. One of the ways we can do this is to grid our actual measurement values and extrapolate what those values may be in other areas that have yet to be explored using borehole...

Create Stunning Radar Plots with Matplotlib

Radar plots (also known as spider plots or radar charts) are a popular data visualisation tool that allows us to compare datasets by displaying multiple variables simultaneously on a 2-dimensional plot. Each variable is represented by a spoke extending from the plot's centre to the edge, and ...

Advanced Tutorial: How to Master Matplotlib Like an Absolute Boss

I used to have a rule… When I was a beginner learning data visualization, I used to have a rule — never, ever visit the Matplotlib documentation. Nothing good ever came out of there. When I was on its pages, my eyes would process English words but, somehow, they were int...

Yes, These Unbelievable Masterpieces Are Created With Matplotlib

No matter how hard you try to be good at something, there are always other people doing it at ridiculous levels. Such examples are nothing to be jealous of but only there to inspire. Case in point: these seven Matplotlib masterpieces. I gathered them from Kaggle gold-medal notebooks that captured...

Yes, These Unbelievable Masterpieces Are Created With Matplotlib

No matter how hard you try to be good at something, there are always other people doing it at ridiculous levels. Such examples are nothing to be jealous of but only there to inspire. Case in point: these seven Matplotlib masterpieces. I gathered them from Kaggle gold-medal notebooks that captured...

Stop Creating Boring Vanilla Plots — Use Matplotlib Annotations Instead

Every single tutorial or course I took did not care to spend more than 5 minutes explaining annotations in Matplotlib. If I googled the topic, the first 5–6 links are from Matplotlib documentation; the rest are just slightly altered versions of it. I found this frustrating because I was not...

10 Advanced Matplotlib Concepts You Must Know To Create Killer Visuals

I made up the new version of the famous quote after suffering hours reading the complex documentation of Matplotlib. And the return on my investment was so great that I was left wondering why everybody wouldn’t do it. Then, I realized you shouldn’t have to suffer the same way I did no...