10 Advanced Matplotlib Concepts You Must Know To Create Killer Visuals

<p>I made up the new version of the famous quote after suffering hours reading the complex documentation of Matplotlib. And the return on my investment was so great that I was left wondering why everybody wouldn&rsquo;t do it.</p> <p>Then, I realized you shouldn&rsquo;t have to suffer the same way I did no matter the reward, because I can share my best findings with you. When used properly, these findings can push your plots instantly to the next level &mdash; the level cruised only by pros.</p> <p>So, here they come.</p> <h2>1️⃣. rcParams</h2> <p>Let&rsquo;s start from the highest-level concepts.</p> <p>The first on our list is the&nbsp;<code>rcParams</code>&nbsp;dictionary. It contains all Matplotlib settings that are used to create the default styles of the figures. You import it directly from the&nbsp;<code>matplotlib</code>&nbsp;namespace:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>When working on different projects, you will have to render your charts in different environments and for different audiences. Based on this, you have to tweak this dictionary beforehand so that all your future visuals have a consistent theme and style. It will also save time because you avoid calling the same parameters every time you create a new plot.</p> <p>If you ever mess something up or want to get back to the defaults, you can call the&nbsp;<code>rcdefaults</code>&nbsp;function of PyPlot, which resets everything.</p> <p><a href="https://pub.towardsai.net/10-advanced-matplotlib-concepts-you-must-know-to-create-killer-visuals-23aaf63c3d0c">Website</a></p>