Tag: Mathematic

Mystical Mathematics and Geometry of the Book of Genesis Chapter 1

Introduction The Book of Genesis, Chapter 1, when examined through the lens of Pardes and as a narrative of the soul’s journey, offers a multi-layered spiritual interpretation. In addition we can probe deeper meanings by examining the Hebrew Gematria and hidden geometry using our imaginatio...

The Areas of Mathematics Explained

When I was studying math in elementary school and high school, I had no idea that what I was actually studying was only a tiny bit of a diverse field filled with science, knowledge, and art. It was like looking at a rainbow where the only light you see is what you are capable of se...

MORE Mathematic Support of Dilation Flooding Theory

In my previous article on Mathematic Support of Dilation Flooding Effect, we demonstrate conclusively an observationally linear trend for the effect or observation of any radiated energy source in a finite time universe. As the original time dilation (gravity waves) from the ever-expanding edge...