The Areas of Mathematics Explained

<p>When I was studying math in elementary school&nbsp;and&nbsp;high&nbsp;school, I had no idea that what I was actually studying was only a tiny bit of a diverse field filled with science, knowledge, and art.</p> <p>It was like looking at a rainbow where the only light you see is what you are capable of seeing, but in reality, you are only witnessing a tiny bit of a much more majestic view - a larger spectrum of light that is hidden until you get the right equipment so to speak.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s the same with math. They feed you with what&nbsp;<em>they</em>&nbsp;think you are capable of understanding and hide the good stuff for when&nbsp;<em>they</em>&nbsp;think you are ready!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mathematic