MORE Mathematic Support of Dilation Flooding Theory

<p>In my previous article on&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Mathematic Support of Dilation Flooding Effect</a>, we demonstrate conclusively an observationally linear trend for the effect or observation of any radiated energy source in a finite time universe. As the original time dilation (gravity waves) from the ever-expanding edge of the observed universe reach us, every point in space experiences the same linear reduction in its gravitational potential energy. Note that this is an equivalent substitution for metric expansion, but its elegance in using direct observation of only lab verified relativistic effect makes it the superior description.</p> <p>But how would this linear change in dilatational baseline (gravitational potential) impact redshift observation? Doesn&rsquo;t time dilation impact the source and observer of a signal logarithmically?&nbsp;<strong>Yes</strong>, and that&nbsp;<em>further&nbsp;</em>supports why&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Dilation Flooding</a>&nbsp;is the most likely cause of cosmic redshift observations!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mathematic