Tag: Math

How to Write a Simple Math Interpreter in Python

Not long ago, I had to write a certain feature for my project. It involved parsing a mathematical expression from plaintext and evaluating it. This feature had to work with basic numerical expressions like 2 + 3, support context to use variables: apples + 2 * oranges, and parentheses:&nbsp...

How to Write a Simple Math Interpreter in Python

Not long ago, I had to write a certain feature for my project. It involved parsing a mathematical expression from plaintext and evaluating it. This feature had to work with basic numerical expressions like 2 + 3, support context to use variables: apples + 2 * oranges, and parentheses:&nbsp...

Understanding Transformers: A Step-by-Step Math Example — Part 1

I understand that the transformer architecture may seem scary, and you might have encountered various explanations on YouTube or in blogs. However, in my blog, I will make an effort to clarify it by providing a comprehensive numerical example. By doing so, I hope to simplify the understanding of the...

Auditor’s Advice: Math, Solidity & Gas Optimizations | Part 1/3

We continue our series of educational articles and today we’ll look at some specific tips for optimizing gas & auditing during the development of smart contracts on Solidity! Original Image | (2) Today we also kick off a unique 3-part series in which we will discus...

I Failed Calc But I Can Do Data Engineering Math And So Can You

“What’s With All The Letters?” One of my favorite stories my grandfather tells goes like this: Sometime in the mid 1950s as a high school freshman he steps into a classroom, sees an algebraic expression on the board and asks his teacher: “I thought this is math. What&rsquo...

Donald Trump’s Math

Donald Trump has been known to make an endless number of absurd statements during his life in the public eye. Exactly which takes the prize would be a subject for debate among his army of haters. But for me, the remark in which he characterizes himself as a stable genius is the most preposterous. I ...

Why White Math is Embracing Racism Despite the Cost to America

What is white math? Before you start imagining numbers written in white chalk on a blackboard, I’m not talking in numerical terms. I mean socially. By my estimate, white math is embracing racism despite the cost to America. Even though it would be advantageous to condemn racism, many White peo...

Students Don’t Need ‘Mindfulness.’ They Need Reading And Math.

It ranks academically in the bottom 10% in the state, and when I attended, it was so overcrowded that we had split sessions for a while. Students brought guns to class in hollowed-out books, and my hair was set on fire after a football game by a fan of the losing team. The situation grew so bad t...

Why White Math is Embracing Racism Despite the Cost to America

What is white math? Before you start imagining numbers written in white chalk on a blackboard, I’m not talking in numerical terms. I mean socially. By my estimate, white math is embracing racism despite the cost to America. Even though it would be advantageous to condemn racism, many White peo...

Beyond the Basics — 5 Books for Advanced Math Lovers

This book has all but 4 chapters, with the first one ‘Examples’ spanning over half of its length. The book if full of examples illuminating different topics in elementary and advanced mathematics while also giving some historical context. Read this book with a pen and paper handy! Mat...

Are You Smart Enough For A Math Degree at Oxford University?

The beauty of mathematics sometimes lies in its simplicity, in that a seemingly complex problem can be broken down if we stick to the basics. And we are going to see just that in today’s puzzle from Oxford University’s entrance exam for math degrees.  Here’s a hint: thin...

An Oxford University Math Problem

Here’s another fun calculus problem from the Oxford MAT 2020. The Oxford MAT is an annual entrance exam for students looking to study mathematics at the University of Oxford. Let’s see if you are smart enough to do that!  Here’s a hint: the difference of squares … ...

A Valentine’s Day Math Problem

Valentine’s Day is the day of love. Love comes in many different forms, whether romantic or platonic, it’s about one’s appreciation for another human being. We convey our love and affection through gifts and dates, and I hope all of you reading this can spend some quality time with...

Can Colorful Math Help Students Learn Better?

Described as “a true Matisse of mathematics,” Oliver Byrne (1810–1880) was an eccentric Irish civil engineer and mathematician. He is best known for his gorgeous, and highly colorful, edition of Euclid’s Elements, published in 1847. Compared to other ed...

How to Solve This 5-Square Math Puzzle

So World of Engineering posted this puzzle online, and since there’s confusion in the comments, I thought I’d clear things up. The situation is simple: we have 5 squares of varying sizes, the smallest of which is 1 by 1 (the unit doesn’t matter here). They ar...

math pattern memory

Today I had class and am starting back again. I left midway because I forgot my dance shoes, and took barre in socks. It is a lot, all that I carry. But I got my first solo in the last show. I want to start to get strong enough to wear pointe shoes for center class and not just rehearsal. I don&rsqu...

Can you solve three high-school Math problems?

New South Wales (NSW, Australia) has an HSC (higher school certificate) math curriculum as shown in Figure 1. Year 12 Mathematics Extension 2 is the hardest math class taught at high-school there. Let’s look at three problems from the Year 12 Mathematics Extension 2 HSC exam from sever...

The Power of Simple Single Point Math

Point math is a branch of mathematics that deals with the arithmetic operations on points in different geometrical spaces. It may sound complicated, but the core ideas behind point math are simple, intuitive, and easy to grasp. This simplicity, coupled with its versatility, makes point math a powerf...

I Failed Math Spectacularly in High School — And I Still Made It In Business

I had this math teacher. His name was Kent Clark, otherwise known as “man super” to everyone — get it? His cheap brown polyester pants were a bit too tight for high school, and he must have found his shirts on sale because he was always wearing the same brown shirt. It was always b...

Beyond the Basics — 5 Books for Advanced Math Lovers

This book has all but 4 chapters, with the first one ‘Examples’ spanning over half of its length. The book if full of examples illuminating different topics in elementary and advanced mathematics while also giving some historical context. Read this book with a pen and paper handy! Mat...

I Failed Calc But I Can Do Data Engineering Math And So Can You

One of my favorite stories my grandfather tells goes like this: Sometime in the mid 1950s as a high school freshman he steps into a classroom, sees an algebraic expression on the board and says to his teacher: “I thought this is math. What’s with all of those letters?” Decades l...

PYTHON — Math and Statistics Functions in Python

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a project related to math and statistics functions in Python from scratch. We will cover the practical applications, necessary Python libraries, and step-by-step instructions for setting up the project environment, implementing foundational steps, and ...

How to Learn the Math Needed for Data Science

Being a data scientist is more than just using plug-and-play machine learning packages. You have to understand what the algorithm is actually doing first and foremost and know when and why to use it. The process to learn what the algorithms are doing is by studying the underlying maths. To be a h...