Tag: Massacre

Boston Marathon Massacre Bounce

Crime don’t pay in Boston. These people love their city; they love their traditions. They love their marathon. They love their survivors.They even love the US citizens who did not survive. The people of Boston and other Marathon visitors were the key to solving the crime that took place...

The Montreal Massacre

OnDecember 6, 1989, sometime after 4 pm, Marc Lepine entered Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique with the intention of murdering every female that he deemed wronged him in some way. Armed with a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle that he purchased legally a month previous and a large hunting kni...

The Dyatlov Pass Massacre

In the winter of 1959, a group of young hikers said goodbye to their families and embarked on a journey through the Ural Mountains in Western Russia, not realizing they would never return home. The Urals are an ancient and rugged landscape — at 300 million years old, the land wasn...

The Buffalo Massacre is an Assault on Black Bodies, Stories, and Survival

I had accepted a commission to write curricula regarding identity development. I wrote about Erik Erikson’s stages of development for high school teenagers to teach them how to conceptualize the complexity of determining who they wanted to become. I spent little time writing about th...

The Massacre That Spawned the Alt-Right

Once upon a time in America, Black people were more likely to get support from the Communist Party than the Justice Department and local police forces. Such was the case with Scottsboro Boys in 1931, who were wrongly accused of rape and would have been executed but for the support of the C...

Could Gene-Edited Hens Stop the Great Chicken Massacre?

When bans take effect, hatcheries are forced to move to “in-ovo” sexing, which happens around halfway through the egg’s 21-day incubation period. It can be done by either extracting a liquid sample from the eggs and genetically testing it, or using a light beam to check for differe...