The Buffalo Massacre is an Assault on Black Bodies, Stories, and Survival

<p>I had accepted a commission to write curricula regarding identity development. I wrote about Erik Erikson&rsquo;s&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">stages of development</a>&nbsp;for high school teenagers to teach them how to conceptualize the complexity of determining who they wanted to become. I spent little time writing about the later stages of life.</p> <p>Erikson argued that healthy identity development in middle and older ages produced a sense of generativity and integrity. Generativity describes an emotional need to give mentorship. At around this age, humans want to begin passing down their knowledge and experiences to younger folks. This transitions to the last stage of life, where elderly people feel a deep sense of integrity about their life decisions. They feel they have contributed effectively to their families and communities, and can ease into the afterlife with a sense of accomplishment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>