Tag: Manifesto

F*ck Fitting In, A Manifesto for the Glorious Misfits

Oh, you’ve felt it too, haven’t you? That nagging suspicion that you’ve been playing a part in a play that doesn’t quite suit you. The script is all wrong, the other actors are desperately out of tune, and frankly, the director seems to have taken a long, permanent vacation. ...

Hiking as an Act of Resistance: A Manifesto (kind of)

Here’s a quick recap: Earth has become a wasteland — skyscraper mounds of trash, abandoned buildings, the remnants of megacorporation greed and consumption. We don’t see any people until about halfway into the movie. Those who survived escaped on a massive floating spaceship cal...

The Silent Meeting Manifesto v1: Making meeting suck a little less

Meetings suck. It’s a universally accepted truth. I’m here to tell you that they don’t have to. I’m writing with the fervor of a missionary to stop terrible meetings. After discovering Silent Meetings I am converted. This article is meant to be put to use. It’s pa...

Metaverse Objects Manifesto

The Metaverse Object Manifesto is a visionary proclamation that defines the essence of the metaverse — a digital realm where unity, diversity, and boundless potential converge. This manifesto reflects the collaborative spirit of its creators and the fusion of human wisdom with artificial intel...

Sequin (YC S21) Hiring Manifesto: “Pipeline Issues” cannot be an excuse.

One of my personal missions as a founder is to lead by example — as an immigrant woman founder in a male-dominated fintech and venture-backed space, the associated challenges are worth it when I hear other women say they feel more confident taking risks after hearing my story. As a key oper...

PML-N’s 2024 Election Manifesto: Critical Analysis

The PML-N’s electoral manifesto for the 2024 elections lays forth a comprehensive vision with a set of major issues targeted at tackling many aspects of Pakistan’s growth. The manifesto proposes a wide range of initiatives, from assuring inexpensive and expanded electricity to accelerati...

An Old White Lady’s Manifesto

Those other White people you complain about ⸺ the racists, the bigots, the homophobes, the misogynists, the ones that make it so hard for anything to change in this country ⸺ they don’t exist. The only White Americans are we White people. We White families. We White communities with our...

An Ecomusicologist’s Manifesto

When Henry David Thoreau, in 1851, took to the lectern at the Concord Lyceum, he proclaimed to those in attendance, “I wish to speak a word for Nature.” The speech that followed was written in response to, and in the context of, the rapidly growing materialist, consumerist, and utilitari...