Sequin (YC S21) Hiring Manifesto: “Pipeline Issues” cannot be an excuse.

<p>One of my personal missions as a founder is to lead by example &mdash; as an immigrant woman founder in a male-dominated fintech and venture-backed space, the associated challenges are worth it when I hear other women say they feel more confident taking risks after hearing my story.</p> <p>As a key operating tenet since I&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">founded Sequin</a>, I haven&rsquo;t let &ldquo;pipeline issues&rdquo; be an excuse to settle; rather they have been an impetus to try harder. Specifically, to try harder to build the reality that I want to live in &mdash; one where more women who look like me are in positions of power, and where more women feel empowered to achieve their financial goals.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>