An Old White Lady’s Manifesto

<p>Those other White people you complain about ⸺ the racists, the bigots, the homophobes, the misogynists, the ones that make it so hard for anything to change in this country ⸺ they don&rsquo;t exist.</p> <p>The only White Americans are we White people. We White families. We White communities with our racists, our bigots, our homophobes, our misogynists.</p> <p>They are us. We are them.</p> <p>We keep pointing at those imaginary White people, the troublemakers, the ones who are responsible for racism and hatred. We kick the can down the road, thinking we&rsquo;ve been absolved. We haven&rsquo;t.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>