Tag: Luck

Do You Believe in Luck?

I believe in luck. But also, I believe that you can’t wait for “luck”, you can’t rely on “luck”, and you can’t blame everything that doesn’t go your way on “ bad luck”. luck “[noun] success or failure apparently brought by ...

How to Improve Your Luck — The Concept of a “Luck Surface Area”

Sahil Bloom wrote a Twitter thread about the concept of a “luck surface area” that resonated with me. The idea is that by doing more of the things that have the potential to lead to opportunity, you can improve your luck. He cites a study and book by Dr. Richard...

18.1 Luck and Skill

Throughout the ups and downs of Athenian empire and throughout the ups and downs of Alcibiades’ career, Socrates kept on doing what he had been doing before the expedition to Sicily. From about 410 on, Plato and Xenophon were among the company of young men who fol...

Was Messi’s 8th Ballon d’Or a Fluke, Stroke of Luck, or Rigged?

I think I’ve just witnessed something extraordinary. He’s already called the best footballer of all time, the greatest, and some even call him the god of football. Yes, you guessed it right; it’s none other than Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccitini. Everyone in the world knows a...

Good Luck Escaping a Pooled Employer 401(k) Plan (PEP)

While 401(k) plans must be established with the intention of continuing indefinitely, the IRS does allow employers to terminate their plan when it no longer suits their business needs. Terminating most 401(k) plans is a straight-forward process. A notable exception is Pooled Empl...

Nov. 20 | Lil’ luck lights journalist fire

Atlanta’s Corey G. Johnson was among five Hall of Fame inductees Thursday in a beautiful program put on by The Atlanta Press Club. His 18 years in reporting started with a chance opportunity at the Atlanta Journal Constitution. He is now at ProPublica with nearly every leading reporting pri...

Grit and a little luck

Success in the mountains requires many things — physical fitness, climbing skill appropriate to the objective (e.g. rock, ice, snow, and maybe all of the above) proficiency in technical systems to maintain an acceptable level of risk, navigation…the list goes on. A healthy dose of luck ...

All the Best vs Best of Luck: When to Use Which, and Why One is More Final Than the Other

Greetings, fellow language enthusiasts! Today we’re going to explore the intriguing world of well-wishing phrases, specifically the difference between “all the best” and “best of luck.” Buckle up, because this is going to be quite the ride. “All the best”...