Tag: Library

Introducing Redux: A State Management Library for React

Have you ever found yourself lost in a maze of component states while building a complex React application? If so, you’re not alone. Managing state can be a challenge, especially as your app grows and becomes more complex. That’s where Redux comes in. Recently I learned a new technolo...

Mobile System Design Exercise: File Downloader Library

Understanding the use case and business requirements is essential for designing a file downloader library that meets the specific needs of the application or system. Here are a few questions to help clarify the use case and gather business requirements: What is the primary purpose of the file ...

Why does PHP have a Machine Learning library?

Choosing the right tool for the job is key in programming. For example, JavaScript pairs well with Web Development, while Python is a great choice for Machine Learning. However, even if you are not familiar with the best programming language for your use case, a...

Another Peek Into My Home Library

Hello, fellow bibliophiles! If you are here and have stumbled onto my lil photo essay without having seen either Part I or II, bienvenue! And if you did read those and are back for more, I love you and hope you’ll enjoy this final chapter (or is it?!) of my epi...

Exploring Global Diversity: Pyetho — Python Library for Language and Country Insights

People around the world are more linguistically connected. We can’t integrate with everyone if we don’t know the languages that are used. Languages are therefore more significant. Unity’s largest barrier is translation. We may all pool our finest strategies through translation to c...

Using Angular cache with library

How the angular cache can interfere with the build of an application. I was reading this nice article about Angular cache (starting with version 13), and it reminded me that I stumbled upon an issue with this feature regarding the development of libraries. Basically, if you install a li...

GeoPy Library in Python: How to Calculate Distance between Two Locations with Precision

Calculating distances between two locations is a crucial task in many fields including geography, navigation, logistics, and transportation. It is important because it allows individuals and organizations to make informed decisions about travel, delivery, and other activities tha...

Step Inside and Be Amazed: Discover the Trinity College Library

The library was founded in 1592 as part of Trinity College, which was established by Queen Elizabeth I. Its primary purpose was to serve as a resource for scholars and researchers, and it has continued to fulfill this role to this day. Thomas Burgh was the first librarian of Trinit...

Trolleybus Library: Melody Rising from the Old Power Center

While surfing the internet, I came across a small event to be held in a library. I thought it was a good opportunity to see a new place and decided to go there. The Trolleybus library was in an easily accessible place in Istanbul, so it was not difficult to get there. Also, the name Trolleybus...

War And Peace in The Paris Library

Paris in the 1940s is set against small-town Montana in the 1980s, youth against maturity, and war against peace. There is both pride and prejudice, there is both sense and sensitivity. There is both fact and fiction. And a great deal of brilliant writing. There are three main characters &m...

Finding the Best Distribution that Fits Your Data using Python’s Fitter Library

If you are dealing with data then it is very likely that you have heard of probability distributions. I’m a transportation researcher and my speciality is pedestrian safety. For that reason, I’m very fortunate that I get to work with lots of data every day. As a pedestrian safety researc...

What Lessons Can We Learn from the World’s First Library?

Asa history graduate, I spent a lot of hours in my university library, pouring over dense texts and sticking to demanding deadlines. I spent most of my life for three years in a library and although I was glad to see the back of that place, I could never entirely shake off my fascination with them a...

The Burning of the Great Library of Alexandria Isn’t What You Think

The Burning of the Library of Alexandria is an event that exists in most peoples’ minds. Every so often people will shake their head and say “what a shame that such a great repository of knowledge was destroyed.” In the minds of most people, the Burning of the Greate Library of Ale...

tokenization using indic NLP library

Hello! I should say नमस्ते since today’s topic is regarding Indian language. Natural Language Processing looks fascinating but it’s similar to Machine Learning where we need data cleaning and data pre-processing. Sounds boring right?  But it’s not our mi...