Tag: Learnings

Learnings From Mediocre Coders

Mediocre programmers have several advantages over the great. They have skills that surely we can tap into to gain their superpowers too. Let us tuck into that rather tasty burger. Focus attention on their appearance and social skills The mediocre software developer will fail to fo...

“Shall we play a game?”: A guide to AI Reinforcement Learning

It’s the early 90s, and as a child of that time, I’m wandering my sacred place, my temple — the local video store. Long before the world of streaming and internet-delivered media content, the video store was the launchpad for a child’s imagination. Rows and rows of pure ma...

Ultimate Seed Pitch Guide | Learnings From Our $7.5M Seed With Accel

Investors have ~2.5 mins to form an initial impression and make a decision to engage further. So, you need to convey the right amount of information: too little and they lack context, too much and you increase their cognitive load. Remember: You as a founder know 10x more about the spac...

Reinforcement Learning a Self-driving Car AI in Unity

The era of self-driving cars is almost upon us, at least according to Elon Musk. Hence, it’s probably about time to learn how to make one for ourselves. While this article does not go into such depths, it’s enough to make simulated cars that are proficient on any track. EDIT: Thi...

Exploring The Power of Causal Inference in Machine Learning

If you’re a data die-hard like me, who gets tired of the norm so easily, you must have started to ask yourself “what happens beyond relationship modeling. Machine Learning is good at predicting future outcome based on correlations in past data, but how do we go one step further?” ...

Why I am learning Arabic

Outside of my day job as a Security Engineer, I have been learning Arabic with Arabica Institute for a few years. Classes are once a week and there is a clear emphasis on learning to speak and understand the language rather than focusing on grammar rules. This makes sense to me because as ...