Tag: Leap

Wind Power World Record Marks A Massive Leap Forward

The expansive plains of Denmark are home to a true giant. This colossus stands twice as high as the Statue of Liberty, though, unlike the Lady on a Pedestal, it moves with the wind. I am, of course, talking about Vesta’s V236–15.0 MW prototype offshore wind turbine. Not only is this the ...

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don`t

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don`t is a book by Jim Collins published in 2001. This is a business management and leadership book that looks at why certain companies go from blue-chip to truly blue-chip. In this summary, he provides an overview of the main concep...

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t

Jim Collins’ ground-breaking business book “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t” aims to provide an explanation for what causes some businesses to experience amazing, long-term success while others merely struggle along or even fail. Collin...

Windows 7: Microsoft’s Leap Forward in Operating System Dominance

The tech world witnessed a significant milestone as in 2009 Microsoft unveiled its highly anticipated operating system, Windows 7. Following the mixed reception of its predecessor, Windows Vista, this release represented a critical moment for Microsoft. This editorial examines the impact and signifi...

China Is Set To Take A Massive Leap Forward

China is the climate elephant in the room. It is responsible for 29.2% of the world’s annual emissions, giving it the unwanted title of the most polluting nation on Earth. Not only that, it emits more than twice the emissions of the number two spot held by the USA. If you want to save the worl...

The World’s Cleanest Energy Takes A Vast Leap Forward

If we want our environment, economy, governments and livelihoods to thrive until the end of the century, we must reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. You can argue against this all you want, but right now, that is the scientific consensus, and it will take a vast discovery to overturn this. But ...

The World’s Cleanest Energy Takes A Vast Leap Forward

If we want our environment, economy, governments and livelihoods to thrive until the end of the century, we must reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. You can argue against this all you want, but right now, that is the scientific consensus, and it will take a vast discovery to overturn this. But ...

Toyota’s 745-mile Battery Takes A Significant Leap Forward

Despite being the second-largest automaker in the world, Toyota has lagged behind in the EV race. But, as I have discussed in previous articles, this fact is a little misleading. You see, they have been developing something magical in relative secrecy for decades: a 745-mile solid-state battery capa...

How Long Does It Take for a Foreigner to Become a U.S. Citizen

Embarking on the journey to become a U.S. citizen is a dream for many around the world. But, how long does it take for this dream to become a reality? For those struggling to find their way in the complex maze of U.S. immigration, understanding the timeline and process is crucial. Let&rsqu...

History of Leap Year

The Leap Day, February 29, depicts a day that occurs only once every four years, every Leap Year or intercalary year when an extra day is inserted into the calendar. But not every fourth year; if that year ends in “00,” like 1900, then it is not a Leap ...