China Is Set To Take A Massive Leap Forward

<p>China is the climate elephant in the room. It is responsible for 29.2% of the world&rsquo;s annual emissions, giving it the unwanted title of the most polluting nation on Earth. Not only that, it emits more than twice the emissions of the number two spot held by the USA. If you want to save the world from the horrors of our self-made climate catastrophe, you need to tackle China head-on. Over the past few years, there has been mounting international worry about how on Earth the global community can hold China to account. The new superpower has a history of being unsympathetic to the concerns of the rest of the globe and has a strong self-serving tendency that makes challenging China&rsquo;s rapidly growing emissions near impossible. However, recent analysis by Carbon Brief has indicated that China might be doing it all by itself. But is it enough?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Massive Leap