Toyota’s 745-mile Battery Takes A Significant Leap Forward

<p>Despite being the second-largest automaker in the world, Toyota has lagged behind in the EV race. But, as I have discussed in previous articles, this fact is a little misleading. You see, they have been developing something magical in relative secrecy for decades: a 745-mile solid-state battery capable of fully charging in 10 minutes. Such technology has been unreachable for years, both financially and technologically, but Toyota is on a war path to make this vision come true and take the top dog spot in the EV world. Well, a crucial piece of their puzzle has been filled, meaning Toyota&rsquo;s ultimate EV battery just took a massive step closer to fruition.</p> <p>Okay, let&rsquo;s recap what this battery actually is.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Leap Forwards