Tag: Leading

"The Leading White Men of Edgefield"

“The leading white men of Edgefield decided to seize the first opportunity that the Negroes might offer them to provoke a riot and teach the Negroes a lesson by having the whites demonstrate their superiority by killing as many of them as was justifiable.” — Benjamin Tillman ...

Leading with Impact: Proven Strategies for Empowering Team Decisions and Facilitating Productive Meetings

Have you ever seen a team hung up on making a decision? You may feel like you, as a leader, have empowered them to collaborate. You have ensured that all of the right people are in the room. You have clearly articulated your vision. But it seems some unseen force is pushing team members in different...

Why it is Essential You Keep Your Leaders Focused on Leading, Not Doing

So, I have put out a marker. I believe that we expect those people in positional authority roles to do to much stuff, and don’t give them space to work on and with their people. Those who are responsible for a team and their outcomes need to do many things within the business to keep...

Leading When You’re Not in Charge.

An issue that has faced most of us sometime during our careers is trying to lead other people when you’re not in charge. Indeed, it can be very frustrating when you have no direct line authority over the people on your team, yet your boss or manager still holds you responsible for the outcome....

Leading with Heart: The Power of Happiness Quotient in Modern Leadership

In a world that’s constantly hustling and bustling, leadership isn’t just about how smart you are (you know, the whole IQ thing). It runs deeper than that — it’s about HQ, or as I like to call it, the Happiness Quotient. So, let’s dive into why being a happy leader make...

Leading the Way. What I’ve Learned from Managing a Team.

Late last year, I took what was probably the boldest decisions in the last eight years of my professional career. I decided to change jobs. When you put it in black and white, it was an easy decision: better salary, better job level… But when it came to the people I led, it was the toughest d...

Leading When You’re Not in Charge.

Just because you’re not in a position of authority doesn’t mean you have to give up your ability to lead others. CC0 licensed picture downloaded from Pixabay.com An issue that has faced most of us sometime during our careers is trying to lead other people when you’re not ...

No Authority? No Problem. Six Tactics for Leading With Influence

15+ years ago, I sat in a small windowless room and tried to convince a bunch of hyper-smart startup people to give me a shot at being a first-time rookie PM despite zero PM experience whatsoever. Eventually, the CEO showed up to have a brief chat, usually a sign that I had successfully tricked t...

Top 5 Technology Companies Leading the Race To Replace Human Driver

Many things are inevitable in the domain of self-driving technology, mainly autonomous trucks, a $700 billion industry, for long-haul routes. More technology companies are developing technology, regulators are working on new laws, and the top companies are emerging to fill the gap rapidly. The...

Venezuela: Top Court Upholds Election Ban on Leading Opposition Candidate

Here are the key facts of this story, as agreed upon by ¹FOX News, ²Agenzia Nova, ³Al Jazeera, ⁴United States Department of State, ⁵Washington Post and ⁶Telesur English. Venezuela’s Supreme Tribunal of Justice has dismissed opposition ...

Texas Leading Up To A Civil War Or Taking Control Of Its Own Border

As the second-largest state in the United States, Texas shares a long and often porous border with Mexico. With a major influx of migrants seeking to enter the country, the issue of border security has become a burning topic, dividing opinions across the state. Some argue that Texas’s proxi...

A Brief History of NLP leading to LLMs — Part 1

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants” — Sir Isaac Newton LLMs were not invented in a vacuum and they certainly were not built overnight. Instead, it took decades of research especially in the areas of deep learning and specific...

5 Celebrities: Leading the Way in Sustainable Fashion

Sustainability has become inseparable from fashion. Fashion brands are looking at ways to be less impactful on the environment, and they are launching various sustainability campaigns. Especially in 2023, we’ve seen not only brands, but also a great many celebrities spreading the message of su...

Exploring Chinese Text-to-Speech with Taiwanese Accent: A Comparison of 6 Leading Tools

During a random conversation the other day, someone asked me about the best TTS (text-to-speech) for Mandarin. I thought it would be nice to quickly conduct an examination to compare a couple of TTS products, focusing on their ability to handle Chinese text-to-speech, ideally with a Taiwanese accent...