No Authority? No Problem. Six Tactics for Leading With Influence

<p>15+ years ago, I sat in a small windowless room and tried to convince a bunch of hyper-smart startup people to give me a shot at being a first-time rookie PM despite zero PM experience whatsoever.</p> <p>Eventually, the CEO showed up to have a brief chat, usually a sign that I had successfully tricked the interviewers into looking past my many shortcomings (lack of experience being only the&nbsp;<em>most obvious</em>&nbsp;one) and made it to the final decision maker. Undoubtedly noticing the Computer Science degree and the 2 years of Engineering experience on the resume, the CEO said &mdash;&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;By the way, PMs here have to lead from a place of influence since they have no authority, and in this company Engineers frequently call the shots. Are you sure you don&rsquo;t want to interview for an Eng role?&rdquo;</em>. I politely demurred and mumbled my assent at the need for influence, trying to keep my impostor syndrome from bursting onto the surface. Somehow, I got myself hired, learned about influence and went on to have a successful 4 year run in the role.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>